Harlinn.Windows 0.1
No Matches
Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance Class Reference

An instance of the database engine for use in a single process. More...

#include <HCCEse.h>

Public Member Functions

 Instance () noexcept
template<SimpleWideStringLike StringT1, SimpleWideStringLike StringT2 = WideString>
 Instance (const StringT1 &instanceName, const StringT2 &displayName=StringT2(), InitFlags initFlags=InitFlags::None)
template<SimpleAnsiStringLike StringT1, SimpleAnsiStringLike StringT2 = AnsiString>
 Instance (const StringT1 &instanceName, const StringT2 &displayName=StringT2(), InitFlags initFlags=InitFlags::None)
 Instance (const wchar_t *instanceName, const wchar_t *displayName=nullptr, InitFlags initFlags=InitFlags::None)
 Instance (const char *instanceName, const char *displayName=nullptr, InitFlags initFlags=InitFlags::None)
 Instance (const InstanceOptions &instanceOptions)
 Instance (const Instance &other)=delete
 Instance (Instance &&other) noexcept
Instanceoperator= (const Instance &other)=delete
Instanceoperator= (Instance &&other) noexcept
 ~Instance ()
JET_INSTANCE Handle () const
constexpr bool IsValid () const noexcept
constexpr operator bool () const noexcept
Session BeginSession () const
 Starts a session and initializes and returns a new Session object for the handle.
Result Backup (const wchar_t *backupPath, BackupFlags backupFlags, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
Result Backup (const char *backupPath, BackupFlags backupFlags, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
Result Backup (const StringT &backupPath, BackupFlags backupFlags, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
Result Restore (const wchar_t *backupPath, const wchar_t *destinationPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
Result Restore (const char *backupPath, const char *destinationPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
template<SimpleStringLike StringT1, SimpleStringLike StringT2>
requires std::is_same_v<typename StringT1::value_type, typename StringT2::value_type>
Result Restore (const StringT1 &backupPath, const StringT2 &destinationPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
Result Restore (const wchar_t *backupPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
Result Restore (const char *backupPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
Result Restore (const StringT &backupPath, JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction=nullptr) const
template<StringLike StringT>
StringT QueryAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath () const
template<StringLike StringT>
void SetAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath (const StringT &value) const
bool QueryCleanupMismatchedLogFiles () const
void SetCleanupMismatchedLogFiles (bool value) const
bool QueryDeleteOutOfRangeLogs () const
void SetDeleteOutOfRangeLogs (bool value) const
TimeSpan QuerySnapshotTimeout () const
void SetSnapshotTimeout (const TimeSpan &value) const
bool QueryZeroDatabaseDuringBackup () const
void SetZeroDatabaseDuringBackup (bool value) const
long QueryDbExtensionSize () const
void SetDbExtensionSize (long value) const
bool QueryEnableIndexCleanup () const
void SetEnableIndexCleanup (bool value) const
OnlineDefragFlags QueryEnableOnlineDefrag () const
void SetEnableOnlineDefrag (OnlineDefragFlags value) const
long QueryPageFragment () const
void SetPageFragment (long value) const
long QueryRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel () const
void SetRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel (long value) const
long QueryWaypointLatency () const
void SetWaypointLatency (long value) const
bool QueryDefragmentSequentialBTrees () const
void SetDefragmentSequentialBTrees (bool value) const
long QueryDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency () const
void SetDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency (long value) const
TimeSpan QueryIOThrottlingTimeQuanta () const
void SetIOThrottlingTimeQuanta (const TimeSpan &value) const
TimeSpan QueryAccessDeniedRetryPeriod () const
void SetAccessDeniedRetryPeriod (const TimeSpan &value) const
bool QueryCreatePathIfNotExist () const
 When this parameter is set to true then any folder that is missing in a file system path in use by the database engine will be silently created. Otherwise, the operation that uses the missing file system path will throw an Ese::Exception for Result::ErrorInvalidPath.
void SetCreatePathIfNotExist (bool value=true) const
 When this parameter is set to true then any folder that is missing in a file system path in use by the database engine will be silently created. Otherwise, the operation that uses the missing file system path will throw an Ese::Exception for Result::ErrorInvalidPath.
bool QueryIOPriorityLow () const
void SetIOPriorityLow (bool value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxCoalesceReadSize () const
void SetMaxCoalesceReadSize (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxCoalesceWriteSize () const
void SetMaxCoalesceWriteSize (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxCoalesceReadGapSize () const
void SetMaxCoalesceReadGapSize (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize () const
void SetMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize (unsigned long long value) const
bool QueryDisableCallbacks () const
void SetDisableCallbacks (bool value) const
bool QueryEnablePersistedCallbacks () const
void SetEnablePersistedCallbacks (bool value) const
JET_CALLBACK * QueryRuntimeCallback () const
void SetRuntimeCallback (JET_CALLBACK *value) const
unsigned long long QueryCacheSize () const
void SetCacheSize (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryCacheSizeMin () const
void SetCacheSizeMin (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryCacheSizeMax () const
void SetCacheSizeMax (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryCheckpointDepthMax () const
void SetCheckpointDepthMax (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryCheckpointIOMax () const
void SetCheckpointIOMax (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryStartFlushThreshold () const
void SetStartFlushThreshold (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryStopFlushThreshold () const
void SetStopFlushThreshold (unsigned long long value) const
template<StringLike StringT>
StringT QueryBaseName () const
 This parameter sets the three letter prefix used for many of the files used by the database engine. For example, the checkpoint file is called EDB.CHK by default because EDB is the default base name. The base name can be used to easily distinguish between sets of files that belong to different instances or to different applications.
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void SetBaseName (const StringT &value) const
bool QueryCircularLog () const
 This parameter configures how transaction log files are managed by the database engine.
void SetCircularLog (bool value=true) const
 This parameter configures how transaction log files are managed by the database engine.
TransactionFlags QueryCommitDefault () const
void SetCommitDefault (TransactionFlags value) const
bool QueryDeleteOldLogs () const
void SetDeleteOldLogs (bool value) const
bool QueryIgnoreLogVersion () const
void SetIgnoreLogVersion (bool value) const
bool QueryLegacyFileNames () const
void SetLegacyFileNames (bool value) const
unsigned long long QueryLogBuffers () const
void SetLogBuffers (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryLogCheckpointPeriod () const
void SetLogCheckpointPeriod (unsigned long long value) const
bool QueryLogFileCreateAsynch () const
void SetLogFileCreateAsynch (bool value) const
template<StringLike StringT>
StringT QueryLogFilePath () const
 This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the transaction logs for the instance.
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void SetLogFilePath (const StringT &value) const
 This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the transaction logs for the instance.
unsigned long long QueryLogFileSize () const
void SetLogFileSize (unsigned long long value) const
unsigned long long QueryLogWaitingUserMax () const
void SetLogWaitingUserMax (unsigned long long value) const
template<StringLike StringT>
StringT QueryRecovery () const
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void SetRecovery (const StringT &value) const
template<StringLike StringT>
StringT QuerySystemPath () const
 This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the checkpoint file for the instance. The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The checkpoint file is a simple file maintained per instance that remembers the oldest transaction log file that must be replayed to bring all databases in that instance to a consistent state after a crash. The checkpoint file is typically named EDB.CHK.
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void SetSystemPath (const StringT &value) const
 This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the checkpoint file for the instance. The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The checkpoint file is a simple file maintained per instance that remembers the oldest transaction log file that must be replayed to bring all databases in that instance to a consistent state after a crash. The checkpoint file is typically named EDB.CHK.
unsigned long long QueryNumberOfCachedClosedTables () const
 This setting controls the number of B+ Tree resources cached by the instance after the tables they represent have been closed by the application.
void SetNumberOfCachedClosedTables (size_t value) const
 This setting controls the number of B+ Tree resources cached by the instance after the tables they represent have been closed by the application.
unsigned long long QueryMaxCursorCount () const
void SetMaxCursorCount (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxOpenTableCount () const
void SetMaxOpenTableCount (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryPreferredMaxOpenTables () const
void SetPreferredMaxOpenTables (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxSessionCount () const
void SetMaxSessionCount (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxTemporaryTableCount () const
void SetMaxTemporaryTableCount (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryMaxVersionPageCount () const
void SetMaxVersionPageCount (size_t value) const
unsigned long long QueryPageHintCacheSize () const
void SetPageHintCacheSize (size_t value) const

Static Public Member Functions

static long QueryDatabasePageSize ()
static void SetDatabasePageSize (long value)
static bool QueryEnableIndexChecking ()
static void SetEnableIndexChecking (bool value)
static bool QueryOneDatabasePerSession ()
static void SetOneDatabasePerSession (bool value)
static bool QueryEnableFileCache ()
static void SetEnableFileCache (bool value)
static unsigned QueryOutstandingIOMax ()
static void SetOutstandingIOMax (unsigned value)
static Int32 QueryBatchIOBufferMax ()
static void SetBatchIOBufferMax (Int32 value)
static bool QueryEnableViewCache ()
static void SetEnableViewCache (bool value)
static TimeSpan QueryLRUKCorrInterval ()
static void SetLRUKCorrInterval (TimeSpan value)
static unsigned long long QueryLRUKHistoryMax ()
static void SetLRUKHistoryMax (unsigned long long value)
static unsigned long long QueryLRUKPolicy ()
static void SetLRUKPolicy (unsigned long long value)
static TimeSpan QueryLRUKTimeout ()
static void SetLRUKTimeout (const TimeSpan &value)
static ExceptionAction QueryExceptionAction ()
 This setting controls what happens when an exception is thrown by the database engine or code that is called by the database engine. When set to ExceptionAction::DisplayMessageBox, any exception will be thrown to the Windows unhandled exception filter.This will result in the exception being handled as an application failure.The intent is to prevent application code from erroneously trying to catch and ignore an exception generated by the database engine.This cannot be allowed because database corruption could occur.If the application wishes to properly handle these exceptions then the protection can be disabled by setting this parameter to ExceptionAction::None.
static void SetExceptionAction (Ese::ExceptionAction value)
 This setting controls what happens when an exception is thrown by the database engine or code that is called by the database engine. When set to ExceptionAction::DisplayMessageBox, any exception will be thrown to the Windows unhandled exception filter.This will result in the exception being handled as an application failure.The intent is to prevent application code from erroneously trying to catch and ignore an exception generated by the database engine.This cannot be allowed because database corruption could occur.If the application wishes to properly handle these exceptions then the protection can be disabled by setting this parameter to ExceptionAction::None.
static unsigned long long QueryEventLogCacheSize ()
static void SetEventLogCacheSize (size_t numberOfBytes)
static bool QueryMonitoringPerformance ()
static void SetMonitoringPerformance (bool value)
static unsigned long long QueryGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount ()
static void SetGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount (size_t value)
static unsigned long long QueryMaximumInstanceCount ()
static void SetMaximumInstanceCount (size_t value)

Public Attributes

boost::signals2::signal< void(const Instance *instance)> BeforeInit
boost::signals2::signal< void(const Instance *instance)> AfterInit

Private Member Functions

void InitializeInstance () const
unsigned long long GetSystemNumericParameter (unsigned long paramId) const
void GetSystemStringParameter (unsigned long paramId, JET_PWSTR szParam, unsigned long cbMax) const
template<WideStringLike StringT>
StringT GetSystemStringParameter (unsigned long paramId) const
template<AnsiStringLike StringT>
StringT GetSystemStringParameter (unsigned long paramId) const
void SetSystemParameter (unsigned long paramId, unsigned long long value) const
void SetSystemParameter (unsigned long paramId, const wchar_t *value) const
void SetSystemParameter (unsigned long paramId, const char *value) const
template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void SetSystemParameter (unsigned long paramId, const StringT &value) const

Static Private Member Functions

static unsigned long long GetGlobalSystemNumericParameter (unsigned long paramId)
static void SetGlobalSystemParameter (unsigned long paramId, unsigned long long value)

Private Attributes

JET_INSTANCE instance_
bool initialized_
InitFlags initFlags_

Detailed Description

An instance of the database engine for use in a single process.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Instance() [1/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( )

◆ Instance() [2/8]

template<SimpleWideStringLike StringT1, SimpleWideStringLike StringT2 = WideString>
Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const StringT1 & instanceName,
const StringT2 & displayName = StringT2(),
InitFlags initFlags = InitFlags::None )

◆ Instance() [3/8]

template<SimpleAnsiStringLike StringT1, SimpleAnsiStringLike StringT2 = AnsiString>
Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const StringT1 & instanceName,
const StringT2 & displayName = StringT2( ),
InitFlags initFlags = InitFlags::None )

◆ Instance() [4/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const wchar_t * instanceName,
const wchar_t * displayName = nullptr,
InitFlags initFlags = InitFlags::None )

◆ Instance() [5/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const char * instanceName,
const char * displayName = nullptr,
InitFlags initFlags = InitFlags::None )

◆ Instance() [6/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const InstanceOptions & instanceOptions)

◆ Instance() [7/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( const Instance & other)

◆ Instance() [8/8]

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Instance ( Instance && other)

◆ ~Instance()

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::~Instance ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Backup() [1/3]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Backup ( const char * backupPath,
BackupFlags backupFlags,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Backup() [2/3]

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Backup ( const StringT & backupPath,
BackupFlags backupFlags,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Backup() [3/3]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Backup ( const wchar_t * backupPath,
BackupFlags backupFlags,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ BeginSession()

Session Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::BeginSession ( ) const

Starts a session and initializes and returns a new Session object for the handle.

Sessions control all access to the database and are used to control the scope of transactions. The session can be used to begin, commit, or abort transactions. The session is also used to attach, create, or open a database. The session is used as the context for all DDL and DML operations. To increase concurrency and parallel access to the database, multiple sessions can be begun.

◆ GetGlobalSystemNumericParameter()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::GetGlobalSystemNumericParameter ( unsigned long paramId)

◆ GetSystemNumericParameter()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::GetSystemNumericParameter ( unsigned long paramId) const

◆ GetSystemStringParameter() [1/3]

template<WideStringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::GetSystemStringParameter ( unsigned long paramId) const

◆ GetSystemStringParameter() [2/3]

template<AnsiStringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::GetSystemStringParameter ( unsigned long paramId) const

◆ GetSystemStringParameter() [3/3]

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::GetSystemStringParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
JET_PWSTR szParam,
unsigned long cbMax ) const

◆ Handle()

JET_INSTANCE Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Handle ( ) const

◆ InitializeInstance()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::InitializeInstance ( ) const

◆ IsValid()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::IsValid ( ) const

◆ operator bool()

Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::operator bool ( ) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Instance & Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::operator= ( const Instance & other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Instance & Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::operator= ( Instance && other)

◆ QueryAccessDeniedRetryPeriod()

TimeSpan Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryAccessDeniedRetryPeriod ( ) const

◆ QueryAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath()

template<StringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath ( ) const

◆ QueryBaseName()

template<StringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryBaseName ( ) const

This parameter sets the three letter prefix used for many of the files used by the database engine. For example, the checkpoint file is called EDB.CHK by default because EDB is the default base name. The base name can be used to easily distinguish between sets of files that belong to different instances or to different applications.

◆ QueryBatchIOBufferMax()

static Int32 Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryBatchIOBufferMax ( )

◆ QueryCacheSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCacheSize ( ) const

◆ QueryCacheSizeMax()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCacheSizeMax ( ) const

◆ QueryCacheSizeMin()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCacheSizeMin ( ) const

◆ QueryCheckpointDepthMax()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCheckpointDepthMax ( ) const

◆ QueryCheckpointIOMax()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCheckpointIOMax ( ) const

◆ QueryCircularLog()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCircularLog ( ) const

This parameter configures how transaction log files are managed by the database engine.

When circular logging is off, all transaction log files that are generated are retained on disk until they are no longer needed because a full backup of the database has been performed. In this mode, it is possible to restore from an older backup and play forward through all the retained transaction log files such that no data is lost as a result of the disaster that forced the restore. Regular full backups are required to prevent the disk from filling up with transaction log files.

When circular logging is on, only transaction log files that are younger than the current checkpoint are retained on disk.The benefit of this mode is that backups are not required to retire old transaction log files.The tradeoff is that a zero data loss restore is no longer possible.

The current value of the CircularLog parameter

◆ QueryCleanupMismatchedLogFiles()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCleanupMismatchedLogFiles ( ) const

◆ QueryCommitDefault()

TransactionFlags Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCommitDefault ( ) const

◆ QueryCreatePathIfNotExist()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryCreatePathIfNotExist ( ) const

When this parameter is set to true then any folder that is missing in a file system path in use by the database engine will be silently created. Otherwise, the operation that uses the missing file system path will throw an Ese::Exception for Result::ErrorInvalidPath.

true if parameter is set

◆ QueryDatabasePageSize()

static long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDatabasePageSize ( )

◆ QueryDbExtensionSize()

long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDbExtensionSize ( ) const

◆ QueryDefragmentSequentialBTrees()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDefragmentSequentialBTrees ( ) const

◆ QueryDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency()

long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency ( ) const

◆ QueryDeleteOldLogs()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDeleteOldLogs ( ) const

◆ QueryDeleteOutOfRangeLogs()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDeleteOutOfRangeLogs ( ) const

◆ QueryDisableCallbacks()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryDisableCallbacks ( ) const

◆ QueryEnableFileCache()

static bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnableFileCache ( )

◆ QueryEnableIndexChecking()

static bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnableIndexChecking ( )

◆ QueryEnableIndexCleanup()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnableIndexCleanup ( ) const

◆ QueryEnableOnlineDefrag()

OnlineDefragFlags Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnableOnlineDefrag ( ) const

◆ QueryEnablePersistedCallbacks()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnablePersistedCallbacks ( ) const

◆ QueryEnableViewCache()

static bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEnableViewCache ( )

◆ QueryEventLogCacheSize()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryEventLogCacheSize ( )

◆ QueryExceptionAction()

static ExceptionAction Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryExceptionAction ( )

This setting controls what happens when an exception is thrown by the database engine or code that is called by the database engine. When set to ExceptionAction::DisplayMessageBox, any exception will be thrown to the Windows unhandled exception filter.This will result in the exception being handled as an application failure.The intent is to prevent application code from erroneously trying to catch and ignore an exception generated by the database engine.This cannot be allowed because database corruption could occur.If the application wishes to properly handle these exceptions then the protection can be disabled by setting this parameter to ExceptionAction::None.

◆ QueryGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount ( )

◆ QueryIgnoreLogVersion()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryIgnoreLogVersion ( ) const

◆ QueryIOPriorityLow()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryIOPriorityLow ( ) const

◆ QueryIOThrottlingTimeQuanta()

TimeSpan Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryIOThrottlingTimeQuanta ( ) const

◆ QueryLegacyFileNames()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLegacyFileNames ( ) const

◆ QueryLogBuffers()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogBuffers ( ) const

◆ QueryLogCheckpointPeriod()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogCheckpointPeriod ( ) const

◆ QueryLogFileCreateAsynch()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogFileCreateAsynch ( ) const

◆ QueryLogFilePath()

template<StringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogFilePath ( ) const

This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the transaction logs for the instance.

The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The transaction log files contain the information required to bring the database files to a consistent state after a crash. They are typically named EDB*.LOG. The contents of the transaction log files are just as important (if not more so) than the database files themselves. Every effort should be made to protect them.

There will also be additional reserve log files named RES1.LOGand RES2.LOG stored along with the ordinary log files.The contents of these files are not important as their only purpose is to reserve disk space to allow the engine to shut down gracefully in a low disk scenario.These will also be a temporary log file typically named EDBTMP.LOG in this same folder. The contents of this file are not important either.This file is a new log file being prepared for use.

The properties of the host volume of the transaction log files and their placement relative to the other files used by the database engine can dramatically impact performance.

Note:If a relative path is specified then it will be relative to the current working directory of the process that hosts the application that is using the database engine.

The current value of the LogFilePath parameter

◆ QueryLogFileSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogFileSize ( ) const

◆ QueryLogWaitingUserMax()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLogWaitingUserMax ( ) const

◆ QueryLRUKCorrInterval()

static TimeSpan Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLRUKCorrInterval ( )

◆ QueryLRUKHistoryMax()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLRUKHistoryMax ( )

◆ QueryLRUKPolicy()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLRUKPolicy ( )

◆ QueryLRUKTimeout()

static TimeSpan Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryLRUKTimeout ( )

◆ QueryMaxCoalesceReadGapSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxCoalesceReadGapSize ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxCoalesceReadSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxCoalesceReadSize ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxCoalesceWriteSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxCoalesceWriteSize ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxCursorCount()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxCursorCount ( ) const

◆ QueryMaximumInstanceCount()

static unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaximumInstanceCount ( )

◆ QueryMaxOpenTableCount()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxOpenTableCount ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxSessionCount()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxSessionCount ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxTemporaryTableCount()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxTemporaryTableCount ( ) const

◆ QueryMaxVersionPageCount()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMaxVersionPageCount ( ) const

◆ QueryMonitoringPerformance()

static bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryMonitoringPerformance ( )

◆ QueryNumberOfCachedClosedTables()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryNumberOfCachedClosedTables ( ) const

This setting controls the number of B+ Tree resources cached by the instance after the tables they represent have been closed by the application.

Large values for this setting will cause the database engine to use more memory but will increase the speed with which a large number of tables can be opened randomly by the application.This is useful for applications that have a schema with a very large number of tables.

The current value of the CachedClosedTables parameter

◆ QueryOneDatabasePerSession()

static bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryOneDatabasePerSession ( )

◆ QueryOutstandingIOMax()

static unsigned Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryOutstandingIOMax ( )

◆ QueryPageFragment()

long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryPageFragment ( ) const

◆ QueryPageHintCacheSize()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryPageHintCacheSize ( ) const

◆ QueryPreferredMaxOpenTables()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryPreferredMaxOpenTables ( ) const

This parameter attempts to keep the number of B+ Tree resources in use below the specified threshold.


◆ QueryRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel()

long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel ( ) const

◆ QueryRecovery()

template<StringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryRecovery ( ) const

◆ QueryRuntimeCallback()

JET_CALLBACK * Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryRuntimeCallback ( ) const

◆ QuerySnapshotTimeout()

TimeSpan Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QuerySnapshotTimeout ( ) const

◆ QueryStartFlushThreshold()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryStartFlushThreshold ( ) const

◆ QueryStopFlushThreshold()

unsigned long long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryStopFlushThreshold ( ) const

◆ QuerySystemPath()

template<StringLike StringT>
StringT Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QuerySystemPath ( ) const

This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the checkpoint file for the instance. The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The checkpoint file is a simple file maintained per instance that remembers the oldest transaction log file that must be replayed to bring all databases in that instance to a consistent state after a crash. The checkpoint file is typically named EDB.CHK.

If a relative path is specified then it will be relative to the current working directory of the process that hosts the application that is using the database engine.

The current value of the SystemPath parameter

◆ QueryWaypointLatency()

long Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryWaypointLatency ( ) const

◆ QueryZeroDatabaseDuringBackup()

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::QueryZeroDatabaseDuringBackup ( ) const

◆ Restore() [1/6]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const char * backupPath,
const char * destinationPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Restore() [2/6]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const char * backupPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Restore() [3/6]

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const StringT & backupPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Restore() [4/6]

template<SimpleStringLike StringT1, SimpleStringLike StringT2>
requires std::is_same_v<typename StringT1::value_type, typename StringT2::value_type>
Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const StringT1 & backupPath,
const StringT2 & destinationPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Restore() [5/6]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const wchar_t * backupPath,
const wchar_t * destinationPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ Restore() [6/6]

Result Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::Restore ( const wchar_t * backupPath,
JET_PFNSTATUS statusCallbackFunction = nullptr ) const

◆ SetAccessDeniedRetryPeriod()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetAccessDeniedRetryPeriod ( const TimeSpan & value) const

◆ SetAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath()

template<StringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetAlternateDatabaseRecoveryPath ( const StringT & value) const

◆ SetBaseName()

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetBaseName ( const StringT & value) const

◆ SetBatchIOBufferMax()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetBatchIOBufferMax ( Int32 value)

◆ SetCacheSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCacheSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetCacheSizeMax()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCacheSizeMax ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetCacheSizeMin()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCacheSizeMin ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetCheckpointDepthMax()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCheckpointDepthMax ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetCheckpointIOMax()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCheckpointIOMax ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetCircularLog()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCircularLog ( bool value = true) const

This parameter configures how transaction log files are managed by the database engine.

When circular logging is off, all transaction log files that are generated are retained on disk until they are no longer needed because a full backup of the database has been performed. In this mode, it is possible to restore from an older backup and play forward through all the retained transaction log files such that no data is lost as a result of the disaster that forced the restore. Regular full backups are required to prevent the disk from filling up with transaction log files.

When circular logging is on, only transaction log files that are younger than the current checkpoint are retained on disk.The benefit of this mode is that backups are not required to retire old transaction log files.The tradeoff is that a zero data loss restore is no longer possible.

valueThe new value to assign to the CircularLog parameter

◆ SetCleanupMismatchedLogFiles()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCleanupMismatchedLogFiles ( bool value) const

◆ SetCommitDefault()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCommitDefault ( TransactionFlags value) const

◆ SetCreatePathIfNotExist()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetCreatePathIfNotExist ( bool value = true) const

When this parameter is set to true then any folder that is missing in a file system path in use by the database engine will be silently created. Otherwise, the operation that uses the missing file system path will throw an Ese::Exception for Result::ErrorInvalidPath.

valuevalue to assign to the CreatePathIfNotExist parameter

◆ SetDatabasePageSize()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDatabasePageSize ( long value)

◆ SetDbExtensionSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDbExtensionSize ( long value) const

◆ SetDefragmentSequentialBTrees()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDefragmentSequentialBTrees ( bool value) const

◆ SetDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDefragmentSequentialBTreesDensityCheckFrequency ( long value) const

◆ SetDeleteOldLogs()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDeleteOldLogs ( bool value) const

◆ SetDeleteOutOfRangeLogs()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDeleteOutOfRangeLogs ( bool value) const

◆ SetDisableCallbacks()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetDisableCallbacks ( bool value) const

◆ SetEnableFileCache()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnableFileCache ( bool value)

◆ SetEnableIndexChecking()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnableIndexChecking ( bool value)

◆ SetEnableIndexCleanup()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnableIndexCleanup ( bool value) const

◆ SetEnableOnlineDefrag()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnableOnlineDefrag ( OnlineDefragFlags value) const

◆ SetEnablePersistedCallbacks()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnablePersistedCallbacks ( bool value) const

◆ SetEnableViewCache()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEnableViewCache ( bool value)

◆ SetEventLogCacheSize()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetEventLogCacheSize ( size_t numberOfBytes)

◆ SetExceptionAction()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetExceptionAction ( Ese::ExceptionAction value)

This setting controls what happens when an exception is thrown by the database engine or code that is called by the database engine. When set to ExceptionAction::DisplayMessageBox, any exception will be thrown to the Windows unhandled exception filter.This will result in the exception being handled as an application failure.The intent is to prevent application code from erroneously trying to catch and ignore an exception generated by the database engine.This cannot be allowed because database corruption could occur.If the application wishes to properly handle these exceptions then the protection can be disabled by setting this parameter to ExceptionAction::None.

◆ SetGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetGlobalMinimumVersionPageCount ( size_t value)

◆ SetGlobalSystemParameter()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetGlobalSystemParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
unsigned long long value )

◆ SetIgnoreLogVersion()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetIgnoreLogVersion ( bool value) const

◆ SetIOPriorityLow()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetIOPriorityLow ( bool value) const

◆ SetIOThrottlingTimeQuanta()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetIOThrottlingTimeQuanta ( const TimeSpan & value) const

◆ SetLegacyFileNames()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLegacyFileNames ( bool value) const

◆ SetLogBuffers()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogBuffers ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetLogCheckpointPeriod()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogCheckpointPeriod ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetLogFileCreateAsynch()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogFileCreateAsynch ( bool value) const

◆ SetLogFilePath()

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogFilePath ( const StringT & value) const

This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the transaction logs for the instance.

The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The transaction log files contain the information required to bring the database files to a consistent state after a crash. They are typically named EDB*.LOG. The contents of the transaction log files are just as important (if not more so) than the database files themselves. Every effort should be made to protect them.

There will also be additional reserve log files named RES1.LOGand RES2.LOG stored along with the ordinary log files.The contents of these files are not important as their only purpose is to reserve disk space to allow the engine to shut down gracefully in a low disk scenario.These will also be a temporary log file typically named EDBTMP.LOG in this same folder. The contents of this file are not important either.This file is a new log file being prepared for use.

The properties of the host volume of the transaction log files and their placement relative to the other files used by the database engine can dramatically impact performance.

Note:If a relative path is specified then it will be relative to the current working directory of the process that hosts the application that is using the database engine.

valueThe value to assign to the LogFilePath parameter

◆ SetLogFileSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogFileSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetLogWaitingUserMax()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLogWaitingUserMax ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetLRUKCorrInterval()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLRUKCorrInterval ( TimeSpan value)

◆ SetLRUKHistoryMax()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLRUKHistoryMax ( unsigned long long value)

◆ SetLRUKPolicy()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLRUKPolicy ( unsigned long long value)

◆ SetLRUKTimeout()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetLRUKTimeout ( const TimeSpan & value)

◆ SetMaxCoalesceReadGapSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxCoalesceReadGapSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetMaxCoalesceReadSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxCoalesceReadSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxCoalesceWriteGapSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetMaxCoalesceWriteSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxCoalesceWriteSize ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetMaxCursorCount()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxCursorCount ( size_t value) const

◆ SetMaximumInstanceCount()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaximumInstanceCount ( size_t value)

◆ SetMaxOpenTableCount()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxOpenTableCount ( size_t value) const

◆ SetMaxSessionCount()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxSessionCount ( size_t value) const

◆ SetMaxTemporaryTableCount()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxTemporaryTableCount ( size_t value) const

◆ SetMaxVersionPageCount()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMaxVersionPageCount ( size_t value) const

◆ SetMonitoringPerformance()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetMonitoringPerformance ( bool value)

◆ SetNumberOfCachedClosedTables()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetNumberOfCachedClosedTables ( size_t value) const

This setting controls the number of B+ Tree resources cached by the instance after the tables they represent have been closed by the application.

Large values for this setting will cause the database engine to use more memory but will increase the speed with which a large number of tables can be opened randomly by the application.This is useful for applications that have a schema with a very large number of tables.

valueThe new value to assign to the CachedClosedTables parameter

◆ SetOneDatabasePerSession()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetOneDatabasePerSession ( bool value)

◆ SetOutstandingIOMax()

static void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetOutstandingIOMax ( unsigned value)

◆ SetPageFragment()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetPageFragment ( long value) const

◆ SetPageHintCacheSize()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetPageHintCacheSize ( size_t value) const

◆ SetPreferredMaxOpenTables()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetPreferredMaxOpenTables ( size_t value) const

◆ SetRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetRecordUpgradeDirtyLevel ( long value) const

◆ SetRecovery()

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetRecovery ( const StringT & value) const

◆ SetRuntimeCallback()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetRuntimeCallback ( JET_CALLBACK * value) const

◆ SetSnapshotTimeout()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSnapshotTimeout ( const TimeSpan & value) const

◆ SetStartFlushThreshold()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetStartFlushThreshold ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetStopFlushThreshold()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetStopFlushThreshold ( unsigned long long value) const

◆ SetSystemParameter() [1/4]

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSystemParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
const char * value ) const

◆ SetSystemParameter() [2/4]

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSystemParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
const StringT & value ) const

◆ SetSystemParameter() [3/4]

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSystemParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
const wchar_t * value ) const

◆ SetSystemParameter() [4/4]

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSystemParameter ( unsigned long paramId,
unsigned long long value ) const

◆ SetSystemPath()

template<SimpleStringLike StringT>
void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetSystemPath ( const StringT & value) const

This parameter indicates the relative or absolute file system path of the folder that will contain the checkpoint file for the instance. The path must be terminated with a backslash character, which indicates that the target path is a folder. The checkpoint file is a simple file maintained per instance that remembers the oldest transaction log file that must be replayed to bring all databases in that instance to a consistent state after a crash. The checkpoint file is typically named EDB.CHK.

If a relative path is specified then it will be relative to the current working directory of the process that hosts the application that is using the database engine.

valueThe new value to assign to the SystemPath parameter

◆ SetWaypointLatency()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetWaypointLatency ( long value) const

◆ SetZeroDatabaseDuringBackup()

void Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::SetZeroDatabaseDuringBackup ( bool value) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ AfterInit

boost::signals2::signal<void( const Instance* instance )> Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::AfterInit

◆ BeforeInit

boost::signals2::signal<void( const Instance* instance )> Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::BeforeInit

◆ initFlags_

InitFlags Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::initFlags_

◆ initialized_

bool Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::initialized_

◆ instance_

JET_INSTANCE Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::Instance::instance_

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