class | BitmapRenderTarget |
| Encapsulates a 32-bit device independent bitmap and device context, which can be used for rendering glyphs. More...
class | Factory |
| Used to create all subsequent DirectWrite objects. This class is the root factory for all DirectWrite objects. More...
class | Font |
| Represents a physical font in a font collection. This interface is used to create font faces from physical fonts, or to retrieve information such as font face metrics or face names from existing font faces. More...
class | FontCollection |
| An object that encapsulates a set of fonts, such as the set of fonts installed on the system, or the set of fonts in a particular directory. The font collection API can be used to discover what font families and fonts are available, and to obtain some metadata about the fonts. More...
class | FontCollectionLoader |
| Used to construct a collection of fonts given a particular type of key. More...
class | FontFace |
| Exposes various font data such as metrics, names, and glyph outlines. It contains font face type, appropriate file references, and face identification data. More...
class | FontFamily |
| Represents a family of related fonts. More...
class | FontFile |
| Represents a font file. Applications such as font managers or font viewers can call FontFile::Analyze to find out if a particular file is a font file, and whether it is a font type that is supported by the font system. More...
class | FontFileEnumerator |
| Encapsulates a collection of font files. The font system uses this interface to enumerate font files when building a font collection. More...
class | FontFileLoader |
| Handles loading font file resources of a particular type from a font file reference key into a font file stream object. More...
class | FontFileStream |
| Loads font file data from a custom font file loader. More...
class | FontList |
| Represents a list of fonts. More...
class | GdiInterop |
| Provides interoperability with GDI, such as methods to convert a font face to a LOGFONT structure, or to convert a GDI font description into a font face. It is also used to create bitmap render target objects. More...
class | GlyphRunAnalysis |
| Contains low-level information used to render a glyph run. More...
class | InlineObject |
| Wraps an application-defined inline graphic, allowing DWrite to query metrics as if the graphic were a glyph inline with the text. More...
class | LocalFontFileLoader |
| A built-in implementation of the IDWriteFontFileLoader interface, that operates on local font files and exposes local font file information from the font file reference key. Font file references created using CreateFontFileReference use this font file loader. More...
class | LocalizedStrings |
| Represents a collection of strings indexed by locale name. More...
class | PixelSnapping |
| Defines the pixel snapping properties such as pixels per DIP(device-independent pixel) and the current transform matrix of a text renderer. More...
class | RenderingParams |
| Represents text rendering settings such as ClearType level, enhanced contrast, and gamma correction for glyph rasterization and filtering. More...
class | TextAnalysisSink |
| This interface is implemented by the text analyzer's client to receive the output of a given text analysis. More...
class | TextAnalysisSource |
| Implemented by the text analyzer's client to provide text to the analyzer. It allows the separation between the logical view of text as a continuous stream of characters identifiable by unique text positions, and the actual memory layout of potentially discrete blocks of text in the client's backing store. More...
class | TextAnalyzer |
| Analyzes various text properties for complex script processing such as bidirectional (bidi) support for languages like Arabic, determination of line break opportunities, glyph placement, and number substitution. More...
class | TextFormat |
| The TextFormat class describes the font and paragraph properties used to format text, and it describes locale information. More...
class | TextLayout |
| The TextLayout class represents a block of text after it has been fully analyzed and formatted. More...
class | TextRenderer |
| Represents a set of application-defined callbacks that perform rendering of text, inline objects, and decorations such as underlines. More...
class | Typography |
| Represents a font typography setting. More...