Harlinn.Windows 0.1
This is the complete list of members for Harlinn::OCI::Describe, including all inherited members.
_Descriptor() const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
Base typedef | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | private |
Describe() noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
Describe(const OCI::ServiceContext &serviceContext, void *ociDescribe, bool ownsHandle=true) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
Describe(const Describe &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
Describe(Describe &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
DescribeAny(const WideString &objectName, OCI::ParameterType parameterType=OCI::ParameterType::Unknown) const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
DescribeAny(const OCI::Type &type) const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
DescribeAny(OCIType *type) const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
DescribeAny(const OCI::Ref &typeRef) const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
DescribeAny(OCIRef *typeRef) const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
Descriptor() const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
DestroyHandle() | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
DetachHandle() | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
Environment() const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
Error() const noexcept final override | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inlinevirtual |
GetAttribute(void *buffer, UInt32 *size, Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | protected |
GetBooleanAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetByteAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetDateTimeAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetInt16Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetInt32Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetInt64Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetNumberAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetPointerAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetSByteAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetStringAttribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetStringAttributeFromByteString(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetUInt16Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetUInt32Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
GetUInt64Attribute(Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
Handle() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inline |
handle_ | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | private |
HandleBase() noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
HandleBase(OCI::HandleType handleType, void *handle, bool ownsHandle) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
HandleBase(const HandleBase &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | protected |
HandleBase(HandleBase &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
HandleFree(void *handle, OCI::HandleType handleType) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | protectedstatic |
HandleType() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inline |
handleType_ | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | private |
InitializeHandle(void *handle, bool ownsHandle) | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
IsValid() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inline |
OCIHandleType | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | static |
operator bool() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineexplicit |
operator=(const Describe &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | |
operator=(Describe &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase::operator=(const HandleBase &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | protected |
Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase::operator=(HandleBase &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
OwnsHandle() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
ownsHandle_ | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | private |
Param() const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
ParamCount() const | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
ServiceContext() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
serviceContext_ | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | private |
SetAttribute(void *buffer, UInt32 size, Attribute attribute) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | protected |
SetBooleanAttribute(Attribute attribute, bool value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetByteAttribute(Attribute attribute, Byte value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetDateTimeAttribute(Attribute attribute, const DateTime &value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetHandle(void *newHandleValue, bool ownsHandle) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetInt16Attribute(Attribute attribute, Int16 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetInt32Attribute(Attribute attribute, Int32 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetInt64Attribute(Attribute attribute, Int64 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetPointerAttribute(Attribute attribute, void *value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetSByteAttribute(Attribute attribute, SByte value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetStringAttribute(Attribute attribute, const StringT &value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetStringAttribute(Attribute attribute, const wchar_t *value, size_t valueLength) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetUInt16Attribute(Attribute attribute, UInt16 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetUInt32Attribute(Attribute attribute, UInt32 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
SetUInt64Attribute(Attribute attribute, UInt64 value) const | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
ShowInvisibleColumns(bool value) | Harlinn::OCI::Describe | inline |
swap(HandleBase &other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
Take(Derived &&derived) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotected |
~HandleBase() | Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |