Harlinn.Windows 0.1
No Matches
Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 RSimpleSpanLikeMatches most containers with sequential memory layout
 RSimpleCharSpanLikeMatches most common string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RSimpleAnsiCharSpanLikeMatches most common char string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RSimpleWideCharSpanLikeMatches most common wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RSimpleByteSpanLikeMatches most common container classes with sequential memory layout
 RCharSpanLikeMatches most common string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RAnsiCharSpanLikeMatches most common char string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RWideCharSpanLikeMatches most common wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated
 RSimpleStringLikeMatches most common zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout
 RSimpleWideStringLikeMatches most common zero terminated C++ wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout
 RSimpleAnsiStringLikeMatches most common zero terminated C++ char string classes with sequential memory layout
 RStringLikeMatches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for either char or wchar_t
 RWideStringLikeMatches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for wchar_t
 RAnsiStringLikeMatches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for char