Harlinn.Windows 0.1
This is the complete list of members for Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement, including all inherited members.
AppendChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
AppendChild(const SvgElement &newChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
As() const | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
As() const | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
CoCreateInstanceFromClassId(const CLSID &clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CoCreateInstanceFromClassId(const wchar_t *clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CoCreateInstanceFromClassId(const WideString &clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CoCreateInstanceFromDll(const ModuleHandle &dll, const CLSID &clsid) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CoCreateInstanceFromProgId(const wchar_t *progId, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CoCreateInstanceFromProgId(const WideString &progId, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlinestatic |
CreateChild(_In_ PCWSTR tagName, ID2D1SvgElement **newChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
CreateChild(_In_ PCWSTR tagName) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
Detach() | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, PWSTR value, UINT32 valueCount) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type=D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE_SVG) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE type, void *value, UINT32 valueSizeInBytes) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _In_ REFIID riid, void **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ FLOAT *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_COLOR_F *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_FILL_MODE *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_EXTEND_MODE *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LENGTH *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgAttribute **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPaint **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgStrokeDashArray **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPointCollection **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPathData **value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValueLength(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, _Out_ UINT32 *valueLength) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetAttributeValueLength(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetDocument(ID2D1SvgDocument **document) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetDocument() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetFactory() | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::Resource | inline |
GetFirstChild(ID2D1SvgElement **child) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetFirstChild() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetInterfacePointer() const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
GetLastChild(ID2D1SvgElement **child) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetLastChild() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetNextChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **nextChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetNextChild(const SvgElement &referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **nextChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetNextChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetNextChild(const SvgElement &referenceChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetParent(ID2D1SvgElement **parent) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetParent() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetPreviousChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **previousChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetPreviousChild(const SvgElement &referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **previousChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetPreviousChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetPreviousChild(const SvgElement &referenceChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetSpecifiedAttributeCount() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetSpecifiedAttributeName(UINT32 index, PWSTR name, UINT32 nameCount, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetSpecifiedAttributeName(UINT32 index, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetSpecifiedAttributeNameLength(UINT32 index, _Out_ UINT32 *nameLength, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetSpecifiedAttributeNameLength(UINT32 index, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTagName(PWSTR name, UINT32 nameCount) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTagName() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTagNameLength() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTextValue(PWSTR value, UINT32 valueCount) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTextValue() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
GetTextValueLength() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
HasChildren() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
InsertChildBefore(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, _In_opt_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
InsertChildBefore(const SvgElement &newChild, _In_opt_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild=nullptr) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
InsertChildBefore(const SvgElement &newChild, const SvgElement &referenceChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
InterfaceType typedef | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | |
Is() const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
Is() const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
IsAttributeSpecified(_In_ PCWSTR name, BOOL *inherited=NULL) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
IsTextContent() const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
operator bool() const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator!=(const Unknown &other) const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator!=(const IUnknown *other) const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator=(const Unknown &other) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator=(Unknown &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator=(nullptr_t) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator==(const Unknown &other) const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
operator==(const IUnknown *other) const noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **itf) const | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
QueryInterface(T **itf) const | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
RemoveAttribute(_In_ PCWSTR name) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
RemoveChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
RemoveChild(const SvgElement &oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
ReplaceChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, _In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
ReplaceChild(const SvgElement &newChild, _In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
ReplaceChild(_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, const SvgElement &oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
ReplaceChild(const SvgElement &newChild, const SvgElement &oldChild) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
ResetPtr(IUnknown *other=nullptr, bool addRef=false) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, _In_ PCWSTR value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE type, const void *value, UINT32 valueSizeInBytes) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, _In_ ID2D1SvgAttribute *value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, FLOAT value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, CONST D2D1_COLOR_F &value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_FILL_MODE value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &value) | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, CONST D2D1_SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO &value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetAttributeValue(_In_ PCWSTR name, const D2D1_SVG_LENGTH &value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetTextValue(const WCHAR *value, UINT32 valueCount) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetTextValue(const WideString &value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
SetTextValue(const std::wstring_view &value) const | Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::SvgElement | inline |
swap(Unknown &other) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
Unknown() noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
Unknown(IUnknown *unknown, bool addref=false) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inlineexplicit |
Unknown(REFIID iid, const Unknown &unknown, bool throwIfNoInterface=true) | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
Unknown(const Unknown &other) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
Unknown(Unknown &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |
unknown_ | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | protected |
~Unknown() noexcept | Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown | inline |