void | GetDocument (ID2D1SvgDocument **document) const |
| Gets the document that contains this element. Returns null if the element has been removed from the tree.
SvgDocument | GetDocument () const |
void | GetTagName (PWSTR name, UINT32 nameCount) const |
| Gets the tag name.
WideString | GetTagName () const |
UINT32 | GetTagNameLength () const |
| Gets the string length of the tag name. The returned string length does not include room for the null terminator.
bool | IsTextContent () const |
| Returns TRUE if this element represents text content, e.g. the content of a 'title' or 'desc' element. Text content does not have a tag name.
void | GetParent (ID2D1SvgElement **parent) const |
| Gets the parent element.
SvgElement | GetParent () const |
bool | HasChildren () const |
| Returns whether this element has children.
void | GetFirstChild (ID2D1SvgElement **child) const |
| Gets the first child of this element.
SvgElement | GetFirstChild () const |
void | GetLastChild (ID2D1SvgElement **child) const |
| Gets the last child of this element.
SvgElement | GetLastChild () const |
void | GetPreviousChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **previousChild) const |
| Gets the previous sibling of the referenceChild element.
void | GetPreviousChild (const SvgElement &referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **previousChild) const |
SvgElement | GetPreviousChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild) const |
SvgElement | GetPreviousChild (const SvgElement &referenceChild) const |
void | GetNextChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **nextChild) const |
| Gets the next sibling of the referenceChild element.
void | GetNextChild (const SvgElement &referenceChild, ID2D1SvgElement **nextChild) const |
SvgElement | GetNextChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild) const |
SvgElement | GetNextChild (const SvgElement &referenceChild) const |
void | InsertChildBefore (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, _In_opt_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild=nullptr) const |
| Inserts newChild as a child of this element, before the referenceChild element. If the newChild element already has a parent, it is removed from this parent as part of the insertion. Returns an error if this element cannot accept children of the type of newChild. Returns an error if the newChild is an ancestor of this element.
void | InsertChildBefore (const SvgElement &newChild, _In_opt_ ID2D1SvgElement *referenceChild=nullptr) const |
void | InsertChildBefore (const SvgElement &newChild, const SvgElement &referenceChild) const |
void | AppendChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild) const |
| Appends newChild to the list of children. If the newChild element already has a parent, it is removed from this parent as part of the append operation. Returns an error if this element cannot accept children of the type of newChild. Returns an error if the newChild is an ancestor of this element.
void | AppendChild (const SvgElement &newChild) const |
void | ReplaceChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, _In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const |
| Replaces the oldChild element with the newChild. This operation removes the oldChild from the tree. If the newChild element already has a parent, it is removed from this parent as part of the replace operation. Returns an error if this element cannot accept children of the type of newChild. Returns an error if the newChild is an ancestor of this element.
void | ReplaceChild (const SvgElement &newChild, _In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const |
void | ReplaceChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *newChild, const SvgElement &oldChild) const |
void | ReplaceChild (const SvgElement &newChild, const SvgElement &oldChild) const |
void | RemoveChild (_In_ ID2D1SvgElement *oldChild) const |
| Removes the oldChild from the tree. Children of oldChild remain children of oldChild.
void | RemoveChild (const SvgElement &oldChild) const |
void | CreateChild (_In_ PCWSTR tagName, ID2D1SvgElement **newChild) const |
| Creates an element from a tag name. The element is appended to the list of children. Returns an error if this element cannot accept children of the specified type.
SvgElement | CreateChild (_In_ PCWSTR tagName) const |
bool | IsAttributeSpecified (_In_ PCWSTR name, BOOL *inherited=NULL) const |
| Returns true if the attribute is explicitly set on the element or if it is present within an inline style. Returns FALSE if the attribute is not a valid attribute on this element.
UINT32 | GetSpecifiedAttributeCount () const |
| Returns the number of specified attributes on this element. Attributes are only considered specified if they are explicitly set on the element or present within an inline style. Properties that receive their value through CSS inheritance are not considered specified. An attribute can become specified if it is set through a method call. It can become unspecified if it is removed via RemoveAttribute.
void | GetSpecifiedAttributeName (UINT32 index, PWSTR name, UINT32 nameCount, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const |
| Gets the name of the specified attribute at the given index.
WideString | GetSpecifiedAttributeName (UINT32 index, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const |
void | GetSpecifiedAttributeNameLength (UINT32 index, _Out_ UINT32 *nameLength, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const |
| Gets the string length of the name of the specified attribute at the given index. The output string length does not include room for the null terminator.
UINT32 | GetSpecifiedAttributeNameLength (UINT32 index, _Out_opt_ BOOL *inherited=nullptr) const |
void | RemoveAttribute (_In_ PCWSTR name) const |
| Removes the attribute from this element. Also removes this attribute from within an inline style if present. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element.
void | SetTextValue (const WCHAR *value, UINT32 valueCount) const |
| Sets the value of a text content element.
void | SetTextValue (const WideString &value) const |
void | SetTextValue (const std::wstring_view &value) const |
void | GetTextValue (PWSTR value, UINT32 valueCount) const |
| Gets the value of a text content element.
WideString | GetTextValue () const |
UINT32 | GetTextValueLength () const |
| Gets the length of the text content value. The returned string length does not include room for the null terminator.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, _In_ PCWSTR value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element using a string. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified type.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, PWSTR value, UINT32 valueCount) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a string. Returns an error if the attribute is not specified. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified string type.
WideString | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type=D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE_SVG) const |
void | GetAttributeValueLength (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type, _Out_ UINT32 *valueLength) const |
| Gets the string length of an attribute of this element. The returned string length does not include room for the null terminator. Returns an error if the attribute is not specified. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified string type.
UINT32 | GetAttributeValueLength (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE type) const |
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE type, const void *value, UINT32 valueSizeInBytes) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element using a POD type. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified type.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE type, void *value, UINT32 valueSizeInBytes) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a POD type. Returns an error if the attribute is not specified. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified POD type.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _In_ ID2D1SvgAttribute *value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element using an interface. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified interface type. Returns an error if the attribute object is already set on an element. A given attribute object may only be set on one element in one attribute location at a time.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _In_ REFIID riid, void **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as an interface type. Returns an error if the attribute is not specified. Returns an error if the attribute name is not valid on this element. Returns an error if the attribute cannot be expressed as the specified interface type.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, FLOAT value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element using a float.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ FLOAT *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a float.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, CONST D2D1_COLOR_F &value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a color.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_COLOR_F *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a color.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_FILL_MODE value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a fill mode. This method can be used to set the value of the 'fill-rule' or 'clip-rule' properties.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_FILL_MODE *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a fill mode. This method can be used to get the value of the 'fill-rule' or 'clip-rule' properties.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a display value. This method can be used to set the value of the 'display' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a display value. This method can be used to get the value of the 'display' property.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as an overflow value. This method can be used to set the value of the 'overflow' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as an overflow value. This method can be used to get the value of the 'overflow' property.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a line join value. This method can be used to set the value of the 'stroke-linejoin' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a line join value. This method can be used to get the value of the 'stroke-linejoin' property.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a line cap value. This method can be used to set the value of the 'stroke-linecap' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a line cap value. This method can be used to get the value of the 'stroke-linecap' property.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a visibility value. This method can be used to set the value of the 'visibility' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a visibility value. This method can be used to get the value of the 'visibility' property.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &value) |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a matrix value. This method can be used to set the value of a 'transform' or 'gradientTransform' attribute.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a matrix value. This method can be used to get the value of a 'transform' or 'gradientTransform' attribute.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a unit type value. This method can be used to set the value of a 'gradientUnits' or 'clipPathUnits' attribute.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a unit type value. This method can be used to get the value of a 'gradientUnits' or 'clipPathUnits' attribute.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as an extend mode value. This method can be used to set the value of a 'spreadMethod' attribute.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_EXTEND_MODE *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a extend mode value. This method can be used to get the value of a 'spreadMethod' attribute.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, CONST D2D1_SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO &value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a preserve aspect ratio value. This method can be used to set the value of a 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a preserve aspect ratio value. This method can be used to get the value of a 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute.
void | SetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, const D2D1_SVG_LENGTH &value) const |
| Sets an attribute of this element as a length value.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, _Out_ D2D1_SVG_LENGTH *value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as length value.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgAttribute **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPaint **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a paint. This method can be used to get the value of the 'fill' or 'stroke' properties.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgStrokeDashArray **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as a stroke dash array. This method can be used to get the value of the 'stroke-dasharray' property.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPointCollection **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as points. This method can be used to get the value of the 'points' attribute on a 'polygon' or 'polyline' element.
void | GetAttributeValue (_In_ PCWSTR name, ID2D1SvgPathData **value) const |
| Gets an attribute of this element as path data. This method can be used to get the value of the 'd' attribute on a 'path' element.
template<typename T = Factory>
requires std::is_base_of_v< Factory, T> |
T | GetFactory () |
constexpr | Unknown () noexcept |
| Unknown (IUnknown *unknown, bool addref=false) noexcept |
| Unknown (REFIID iid, const Unknown &unknown, bool throwIfNoInterface=true) |
| Unknown (const Unknown &other) noexcept |
| Unknown (Unknown &&other) noexcept |
| ~Unknown () noexcept |
constexpr | operator bool () const noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (const Unknown &other) noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (Unknown &&other) noexcept |
void | swap (Unknown &other) noexcept |
void | ResetPtr (IUnknown *other=nullptr, bool addRef=false) noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (nullptr_t) |
IUnknown * | Detach () |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T > |
T | As () const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> |
bool | Is () const noexcept |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> |
ComPtr< T > | As () const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> |
bool | Is () const noexcept |
| This function can be used to detect if an object supports a particular COM interface derived from IUnknown.
template<typename T = IUnknown> |
T * | GetInterfacePointer () const noexcept |
bool | QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **itf) const |
| Queries a COM object for a pointer to one of its interface; identifying the interface by a reference to its interface identifier (IID). If the COM object implements the interface, then it returns a pointer to that interface after calling IUnknown::AddRef on it.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> |
bool | QueryInterface (T **itf) const |
constexpr bool | operator== (const Unknown &other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const Unknown &other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator== (const IUnknown *other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const IUnknown *other) const noexcept |