Harlinn.Windows 0.1
Namespaces | |
namespace | DirectShow |
namespace | DocumentTarget |
namespace | Environment |
namespace | Fonts |
namespace | Graphics |
namespace | ImGui |
namespace | Internal |
namespace | Media |
Concepts | |
concept | WindowsPointType |
concept | WindowsSizeType |
concept | WindowsRectangleType |
Enumerations | |
enum class | AnchorStyles : int { None = 0 , Top = 1 , Bottom = 2 , Left = 4 , Right = 8 } |
enum class | HorizontalAlignment : int { Left = 0 , Right = 1 , Center = 2 } |
enum class | ContentAlignment { TopLeft = 1 , TopCenter = 2 , TopRight = 4 , MiddleLeft = 16 , MiddleCenter = 32 , MiddleRight = 64 , BottomLeft = 256 , BottomCenter = 512 , BottomRight = 1024 } |
enum class | DockStyle { None = 0 , Top = 1 , Bottom = 2 , Left = 3 , Right = 4 , Fill = 5 } |
enum class | WindowStyle : DWORD { Overlapped = WS_OVERLAPPED , Popup = WS_POPUP , Child = WS_CHILD , Minimize = WS_MINIMIZE , Visible = WS_VISIBLE , Disabled = WS_DISABLED , ClipSiblings = WS_CLIPSIBLINGS , ClipChildren = WS_CLIPCHILDREN , Maximize = WS_MAXIMIZE , Caption = WS_CAPTION , Border = WS_BORDER , DialogFrame = WS_DLGFRAME , VerticalScrollbar = WS_VSCROLL , HorizontalScrollbar = WS_HSCROLL , SystemMenu = WS_SYSMENU , ThickFrame = WS_THICKFRAME , Group = WS_GROUP , TabStop = WS_TABSTOP , MinimizeButton = WS_MINIMIZEBOX , MaximizeButton = WS_MAXIMIZEBOX , Tiled = WS_TILED , Iconic = WS_ICONIC , SizeButton = WS_SIZEBOX , TiledWindow = WS_TILEDWINDOW , OverlappedWindow = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW , PopupWindow = WS_POPUPWINDOW , ChildWindow = WS_CHILDWINDOW } |
enum class | ExtendedWindowStyle : DWORD { DialogModalFrame = WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME , NoParentNotify = WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY , Topmost = WS_EX_TOPMOST , AcceptFiles = WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES , Transparent = WS_EX_TRANSPARENT , MdiChild = WS_EX_MDICHILD , ToolWindow = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW , WindowEdge = WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE , ClientEdge = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE , ContextHelp = WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP , Right = WS_EX_RIGHT , Left = WS_EX_LEFT , RightToLeftReading = WS_EX_RTLREADING , LeftToRightReading = WS_EX_LTRREADING , LeftScrollbar = WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR , RightScrollbar = WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR , ControlParent = WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT , StaticEdge = WS_EX_STATICEDGE , AppWindow = WS_EX_APPWINDOW , OverlappedWindow = WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW , PaletteWindow = WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW , Layered = WS_EX_LAYERED , NoInheritLayout = WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT , NoreDirectionBitmap = WS_EX_NOREDIRECTIONBITMAP , LayoutRightToLeft = WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL , composited = WS_EX_COMPOSITED , NoActivate = WS_EX_NOACTIVATE } |
enum class | KnownFolderFlags : uint { Default = 0x00000000 , NoAppContainerRedirection = 0x00010000 , Create = 0x00008000 , DontVerify = 0x00004000 , DontUnexpand = 0x00002000 , NoAlias = 0x00001000 , Init = 0x00000800 , DefaultPath = 0x00000400 , NotParentRelative = 0x00000200 , SimpleIDList = 0x00000100 , AliasOnly = 0x80000000 } |
enum class | AccessTimeoutFlags : DWord { None = 0x0000 , TimeOutOn = 0x0001 , FeedbackOn = 0x0002 } |
enum class | FilterKeysFlags : DWord { FilterKeysOn = 0x00000001 , Available = 0x00000002 , HotKeyActive = 0x00000004 , ConfirmHotKey = 0x00000008 , HotKeySound = 0x00000010 , Indicator = 0x00000020 , ClickOn = 0x00000040 } |
enum class | HighContrastFlags : DWord { HighContrastOn = 0x00000001 , Available = 0x00000002 , HotKeyActive = 0x00000004 , ConfirmHotKey = 0x00000008 , HotKeySound = 0x00000010 , Indicator = 0x00000020 , HotKeyAvailable = 0x00000040 , LogonDesktop = 0x00000100 , DefaultDesktop = 0x00000200 } |
enum class | MouseKeysFlags : DWord { MouseKeysOn = 0x00000001 , Available = 0x00000002 , HotKeyActive = 0x00000004 , ConfirmHotKey = 0x00000008 , HotKeySound = 0x00000010 , Indicator = 0x00000020 , Modifiers = 0x00000040 , ReplaceNumbers = 0x00000080 , LeftButtonSel = 0x10000000 , RightButtonSel = 0x20000000 , LeftButtonDown = 0x01000000 , RightButtonDown = 0x02000000 , MOUSEMODE = 0x80000000 } |
enum class | FontSmoothingOrientation : UInt { BGR = 0x0000 , RGB = 0x0001 } |
enum class | SysColor : int { ScrollBar = 0 , Desktop = 1 , ActiveCaption = 2 , InactiveCaption = 3 , Menu = 4 , Window = 5 , WindowFrame = 6 , MenuText = 7 , WindowText = 8 , ActiveCaptionText = 9 , ActiveBorder = 10 , InactiveBorder = 11 , AppWorkspace = 12 , Highlight = 13 , HighlightText = 14 , ButtonFace = 15 , Control = 15 , ButtonShadow = 16 , ControlDark = 16 , GrayText = 17 , ControlText = 18 , InactiveCaptionText = 19 , ControlLight = 20 , ButtonHighlight = 20 , ControlDarkDark = 21 , ControlLightLight = 22 , InfoText = 23 , Info = 24 , HotTrack = 26 , GradientActiveCaption = 27 , GradientInactiveCaption = 28 , MenuHighlight = 29 , MenuBar = 30 } |
enum class | BrushStyle : UINT { Solid = 0 , Null = 1 , Hollow = Null , Hatched = 2 , Pattern = 3 , Indexed = 4 , DibPattern = 5 , DibPatternPT = 6 , Pattern8X8 = 7 , DibPattern8X8 = 8 , MonoPattern = 9 } |
enum class | HatchStyle : UINT { Horizontal = 0 , Vertical = 1 , ForwardDiagonal = 2 , BackwardDiagonal = 3 , Cross = 4 , DiagonalCross = 5 } |
enum class | PenStyle : UINT { Solid = 0 , Dash = 1 , Dot = 2 , DashDot = 3 , DashDotDot = 4 , Null = 5 , InsideFrame = 6 , UserStyle = 7 , Alternate = 8 } |
enum class | PenEndCaps : UINT { Round = 0x00000000 , Square = 0x00000100 , Flat = 0x00000200 } |
enum class | PenJoin : UINT { Round = 0x00000000 , Bevel = 0x00001000 , Miter = 0x00002000 } |
enum class | PenType : UINT { Cosmetic = 0x00000000 , Geometric = 0x00010000 } |
enum class | RegionType : int { Error = 0 , Null = 1 , Simple = 2 , Complex = 3 } |
enum class | DrawCaptionOptions : int { Active = 0x0001 , SmallCaption = 0x0002 , Icon = 0x0004 , Text = 0x0008 , InButton = 0x0010 , Gradient = 0x0020 , Buttons = 0x1000 } |
enum class | ForegroundMixMode : int { Black = 1 , NotMergePen = 2 , MaskNotPen = 3 , NotCopyPen = 4 , MaskPenNot = 5 , Not = 6 , XorPen = 7 , NotMaskPen = 8 , MaskPen = 9 , NotXorPen = 10 , Nop = 11 , MergeNotPen = 12 , CopyPen = 13 , MergePenNot = 14 , MergePen = 15 , White = 16 } |
enum class | BackgroundMixMode : int { Transparent = 1 , Opaque = 2 } |
enum class | BorderStyle : UINT { RaisedOuter = 0x0001 , SunkenOuter = 0x0002 , RaisedInner = 0x0004 , SunkenInner = 0x0008 , Raised = ( BDR_RAISEDOUTER | BDR_RAISEDINNER ) , Sunken = ( BDR_SUNKENOUTER | BDR_SUNKENINNER ) , Etched = ( BDR_SUNKENOUTER | BDR_RAISEDINNER ) , Bump = ( BDR_RAISEDOUTER | BDR_SUNKENINNER ) } |
enum class | BorderFlags : UINT { Left = 0x0001 , Top = 0x0002 , Right = 0x0004 , Bottom = 0x0008 , TopLeft = ( BF_TOP | BF_LEFT ) , TopRight = ( BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT ) , BottomLeft = ( BF_BOTTOM | BF_LEFT ) , BottomRight = ( BF_BOTTOM | BF_RIGHT ) , Rectangle = ( BF_LEFT | BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT | BF_BOTTOM ) , Diagonal = 0x0010 , DiagonalEndTopRight = ( BF_DIAGONAL | BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT ) , DiagonalEndTopLeft = ( BF_DIAGONAL | BF_TOP | BF_LEFT ) , DiagonalEndBottomLeft = ( BF_DIAGONAL | BF_BOTTOM | BF_LEFT ) , DiagonalEndBottomRight = ( BF_DIAGONAL | BF_BOTTOM | BF_RIGHT ) , Middle = 0x0800 , Soft = 0x1000 , Adjust = 0x2000 , Flat = 0x4000 , Mono = 0x8000 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlType : UINT { Caption = 1 , MenuBar = 2 , ScrollBar = 3 , Button = 4 , PopupMenu = 5 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlCaptionPart { CloseButton = 0x0000 , MinimizeButton = 0x0001 , MaximizeButton = 0x0002 , RestoreButton = 0x0003 , HelpButton = 0x0004 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlMenuBarPart { Arrow = 0x0000 , Check = 0x0001 , Bullet = 0x0002 , ArrowRight = 0x0004 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlScrollBarPart { Up = 0x0000 , Down = 0x0001 , Left = 0x0002 , Right = 0x0003 , ComboBox = 0x0005 , SizeGrip = 0x0008 , SizeGripRight = 0x0010 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlButtonOptions : Int32 { CheckBox = 0x0000 , RadioImage = 0x0001 , RadioMask = 0x0002 , RadioButton = 0x0004 , ThreeState = 0x0008 , PushButton = 0x0010 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlPopupMenuPart { Arrow = 0x0000 , Check = 0x0001 , Bullet = 0x0002 , ArrowRight = 0x0004 } |
enum class | DrawFrameControlOptions : UINT { None = 0x0000 , Inactive = 0x0100 , Pushed = 0x0200 , Checked = 0x0400 , Transparent = 0x0800 , HotTracked = 0x1000 , AdjustRectangle = 0x2000 , Flat = 0x4000 , Mono = 0x8000 } |
enum class | DrawStateFlags : Int32 { Normal = 0x0000 , Prefix = 0x0002 , Dithered = 0x0010 , Disabled = 0x0020 , Mono = 0x0080 , HidePrefix = 0x0200 , PrefixOnly = 0x0400 , Right = 0x8000 } |
enum class | BoundsAccumulationFlags : Int32 { Reset = 0x0001 , Accumulate = 0x0002 , Dirty = DCB_ACCUMULATE , Set = ( DCB_RESET | DCB_ACCUMULATE ) , Enable = 0x0004 , Disable = 0x0008 } |
enum class | ArcDirection { CounterClockwise = AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE , Clockwise = AD_CLOCKWISE } |
enum class | PolyDrawCommand : BYTE { CloseFigure = PT_CLOSEFIGURE , LineTo = PT_LINETO , LineToAndClose = PT_LINETO | PT_CLOSEFIGURE , BezierTo = PT_BEZIERTO , BezierToAndClose = PT_BEZIERTO | PT_CLOSEFIGURE , MoveTo = PT_MOVETO } |
enum class | DrawTextFlags : UINT { Top = 0x00000000 , Left = 0x00000000 , Center = 0x00000001 , Right = 0x00000002 , VCenter = 0x00000004 , Bottom = 0x00000008 , WordBreak = 0x00000010 , SingleLine = 0x00000020 , ExpandTabs = 0x00000040 , TabStop = 0x00000080 , NoClip = 0x00000100 , ExternalLeading = 0x00000200 , CalcRect = 0x00000400 , NoPrefix = 0x00000800 , Internal = 0x00001000 , EditControl = 0x00002000 , PathEllipsis = 0x00004000 , EndEllipsis = 0x00008000 , ModifyString = 0x00010000 , RtlReading = 0x00020000 , WordEllipsis = 0x00040000 , NoFullWidthCharBreak = 0x00080000 , HidePrefix = 0x00100000 , PrefixOnly = 0x00200000 } |
enum class | TextAlignment : UINT { NoUpdateCP = 0 , Left = 0 , Top = 0 , UpdateCP = 1 , Right = 2 , Center = 6 , Bottom = 8 , Baseline = 24 , RtlReading = 256 } |
enum class | GraphicsMode { Compatible = GM_COMPATIBLE , Advanced = GM_ADVANCED } |
enum class | MapMode { Text = 1 , LoMetric = 2 , HiMetric = 3 , LoEnglish = 4 , HiEnglish = 5 , Twips = 6 , Isotropic = 7 , Anisotropic = 8 } |
enum class | RasterOperation : DWORD { SourceCopy = 0x00CC0020 , SourcePaint = 0x00EE0086 , SourceOrDestination = 0x00EE0086 , SourceAndDestination = 0x008800C6 , SourceInvert = 0x00660046 , SourceXorDestination = 0x00660046 , SourceErase = 0x00440328 , SourceAndNotDestination = 0x00440328 , NotSourceCopy = 0x00330008 , NotSourceErase = 0x001100A6 , NotSourceAndNotDestination = 0x001100A6 , MergeCopy = 0x00C000CA , MergePaint = 0x00BB0226 , PatternCopy = 0x00F00021 , PatternPaint = 0x00FB0A09 , PatternInvert = 0x005A0049 , DestinationInvert = 0x00550009 , Blackness = 0x00000042 , Whiteness = 0x00FF0062 , NoMirrorBitmap = 0x80000000 , CaptureBlt = 0x40000000 } |
enum class | WindowDeviceContextFlags : int { Window = 0x00000001L , Cache = 0x00000002L , NoResetAttributes = 0x00000004L , ClipChildren = 0x00000008L , ClipSiblings = 0x00000010L , ParentClip = 0x00000020L , ExcludeRegion = 0x00000040L , IntersectRegion = 0x00000080L , ExcludeUpdate = 0x00000100L , LockWindowUpdate = 0x00000400L } |
enum class | Keys : int { None = 0 , LButton = 1 , RButton = 2 , Cancel = 3 , MButton = 4 , XButton1 = 5 , XButton2 = 6 , Back = 8 , Tab = 9 , LineFeed = 10 , Clear = 12 , Enter = 13 , Return = 13 , ShiftKey = 16 , ControlKey = 17 , Menu = 18 , Pause = 19 , CapsLock = 20 , Capital = 20 , KanaMode = 21 , HanguelMode = 21 , HangulMode = 21 , JunjaMode = 23 , FinalMode = 24 , KanjiMode = 25 , HanjaMode = 25 , Escape = 27 , IMEConvert = 28 , IMENonconvert = 29 , IMEAceept = 30 , IMEAccept = 30 , IMEModeChange = 31 , Space = 32 , Prior = 33 , PageUp = 33 , Next = 34 , PageDown = 34 , End = 35 , Home = 36 , Left = 37 , Up = 38 , Right = 39 , Down = 40 , Select = 41 , Print = 42 , Execute = 43 , PrintScreen = 44 , Snapshot = 44 , Insert = 45 , Delete = 46 , Help = 47 , D0 = 48 , D1 = 49 , D2 = 50 , D3 = 51 , D4 = 52 , D5 = 53 , D6 = 54 , D7 = 55 , D8 = 56 , D9 = 57 , A = 65 , B = 66 , C = 67 , D = 68 , E = 69 , F = 70 , G = 71 , H = 72 , I = 73 , J = 74 , K = 75 , L = 76 , M = 77 , N = 78 , O = 79 , P = 80 , Q = 81 , R = 82 , S = 83 , T = 84 , U = 85 , V = 86 , W = 87 , X = 88 , Y = 89 , Z = 90 , LWin = 91 , RWin = 92 , Apps = 93 , Sleep = 95 , NumPad0 = 96 , NumPad1 = 97 , NumPad2 = 98 , NumPad3 = 99 , NumPad4 = 100 , NumPad5 = 101 , NumPad6 = 102 , NumPad7 = 103 , NumPad8 = 104 , NumPad9 = 105 , Multiply = 106 , Add = 107 , Separator = 108 , Subtract = 109 , Decimal = 110 , Divide = 111 , F1 = 112 , F2 = 113 , F3 = 114 , F4 = 115 , F5 = 116 , F6 = 117 , F7 = 118 , F8 = 119 , F9 = 120 , F10 = 121 , F11 = 122 , F12 = 123 , F13 = 124 , F14 = 125 , F15 = 126 , F16 = 127 , F17 = 128 , F18 = 129 , F19 = 130 , F20 = 131 , F21 = 132 , F22 = 133 , F23 = 134 , F24 = 135 , NumLock = 144 , Scroll = 145 , LShiftKey = 160 , RShiftKey = 161 , LControlKey = 162 , RControlKey = 163 , LMenu = 164 , RMenu = 165 , BrowserBack = 166 , BrowserForward = 167 , BrowserRefresh = 168 , BrowserStop = 169 , BrowserSearch = 170 , BrowserFavorites = 171 , BrowserHome = 172 , VolumeMute = 173 , VolumeDown = 174 , VolumeUp = 175 , MediaNextTrack = 176 , MediaPreviousTrack = 177 , MediaStop = 178 , MediaPlayPause = 179 , LaunchMail = 180 , SelectMedia = 181 , LaunchApplication1 = 182 , LaunchApplication2 = 183 , Oem1 = 186 , OemSemicolon = 186 , Oemplus = 187 , Oemcomma = 188 , OemMinus = 189 , OemPeriod = 190 , OemQuestion = 191 , Oem2 = 191 , Oemtilde = 192 , Oem3 = 192 , Oem4 = 219 , OemOpenBrackets = 219 , OemPipe = 220 , Oem5 = 220 , Oem6 = 221 , OemCloseBrackets = 221 , Oem7 = 222 , OemQuotes = 222 , Oem8 = 223 , Oem102 = 226 , OemBackslash = 226 , ProcessKey = 229 , Packet = 231 , Attn = 246 , Crsel = 247 , Exsel = 248 , EraseEof = 249 , Play = 250 , Zoom = 251 , NoName = 252 , Pa1 = 253 , OemClear = VK_OEM_CLEAR , KeyCode = 0xFFFF , Shift = 0x10000 , Control = 0x20000 , Alt = 0x40000 , Modifiers = -65536 } |
enum class | PopupMenuAlignment : int { Left = 0x0000 , Center = 0x0004 , Right = 0x0008 , Top = 0x0000 , VerticalCenter = 0x0010 , Bottom = 0x0020 } |
enum class | MouseButton : int { Left = 0 , Right = 1 , Middle = 2 } |
enum class | CheckState : int { Unchecked = 0x0000 , Checked = 0x0001 , Indeterminate = 0x0002 } |
enum class | ImageListColor : int { ColorDefault = 0x00000000 , Color4 = 0x00000004 , Color8 = 0x00000008 , Color16 = 0x00000010 , Color24 = 0x00000018 , Color32 = 0x00000020 , ColorDDB = 0x000000FE } |
Specifies the palette for an ImageList. More... | |
enum class | ImageListFlags : int { Mask = 0x00000001 , Mirror = 0x00002000 , PerItemMirror = 0x00008000 , OriginalSize = 0x00010000 , HighQualityScale = 0x00020000 } |
Specifies the flags for an ImageList. More... | |
enum class | ImageListDrawFlags : int { Normal = 0x00000000 , Transparent = 0x00000001 , Mask = 0x00000010 , Image = 0x00000020 , Rop = 0x00000040 , Blend25 = 0x00000002 , Blend50 = 0x00000004 , OverlayMask = 0x00000F00 , PreserveAlpha = 0x00001000 , Scale = 0x00002000 , DpiScale = 0x00004000 , Async = 0x00008000 , Selected = 0x00000004 , Focus = 0x00000002 , Blend = 0x00000004 } |
Flags used for drawing ImageList elements. More... | |
enum class | ImageListLoadFlags : int { DefaultColor = 0x00000000 , Monochrome = 0x00000001 , LoadFromFile = 0x00000010 , LoadTransparent = 0x00000020 , DefaultSize = 0x00000040 , LoadMap3DColors = 0x00001000 , CreateDibSection = 0x00002000 , Shared = 0x00008000 } |
Flags for loading an ImageList. More... | |
enum class | HeaderControlItemMask : UINT { None = 0 , Width = 0x0001 , Height = 0x0001 , Text = 0x0002 , Format = 0x0004 , LParam = 0x0008 , Bitmap = 0x0010 , Image = 0x0020 , DiSetItem = 0x0040 , Order = 0x0080 , Filter = 0x0100 , State = 0x0200 } |
enum class | HeaderControlItemFormat : int { Default = 0 , Left = 0x0000 , Right = 0x0001 , Center = 0x0002 , AlignmentMask = 0x0003 , RTLReading = 0x0004 , Bitmap = 0x2000 , String = 0x4000 , OwnerDraw = 0x8000 , Image = 0x0800 , BitmapOnRight = 0x1000 , SortUp = 0x0400 , SortDown = 0x0200 , CheckBox = 0x0040 , Checked = 0x0080 , FixedWidth = 0x0100 , SplitButton = 0x1000000 } |
enum class | HeaderControlItemFilterType { String = HDFT_ISSTRING , Number = HDFT_ISNUMBER , DateTime = HDFT_ISDATE , None = HDFT_HASNOVALUE } |
enum class | TextEditStyles : UInt32 { AlignLeft = ES_LEFT , AlignCenter = ES_CENTER , AlignRight = ES_RIGHT , MultiLine = ES_MULTILINE , ConvertToUpperCase = ES_UPPERCASE , ConvertToLowerCase = ES_LOWERCASE , Password = ES_PASSWORD , AutomaticVerticalScroll = ES_AUTOVSCROLL , AutomaticHorizontalScroll = ES_AUTOHSCROLL , AlwaysShowSelection = ES_NOHIDESEL , OEMConvert = ES_OEMCONVERT , ReadOnly = ES_READONLY , WantReturn = ES_WANTRETURN , Numeric = ES_NUMBER } |
enum class | TreeViewStyles : unsigned short { HasButtons = TVS_HASBUTTONS , HasLines = TVS_HASLINES , LinesAtRoot = TVS_LINESATROOT , EditLabels = TVS_EDITLABELS , DisableDragDrom = TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP , ShowSelectAlways = TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS , RtlReading = TVS_RTLREADING , NoToolTips = TVS_NOTOOLTIPS , CheckBoxes = TVS_CHECKBOXES , TrackSelect = TVS_TRACKSELECT , SingleExpand = TVS_SINGLEEXPAND , InfoTip = TVS_INFOTIP , FullRowSelect = TVS_FULLROWSELECT , NoScroll = TVS_NOSCROLL , NonEvenHeight = TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT , NoHorizontalScroll = TVS_NOHSCROLL } |
typedef SuperClassMessageDispatcher<DateTimePicker> Harlinn::Windows::DateTimePickerMessageDispatcher |
using Harlinn::Windows::Point = PointT<POINT> |
using Harlinn::Windows::Rect = Rectangle |
using Harlinn::Windows::Rectangle = RectangleT<RECT> |
using Harlinn::Windows::Size = SizeT<SIZE> |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Specifies the palette for an ImageList.
strong |
Flags used for drawing ImageList elements.
strong |
Specifies the flags for an ImageList.
strong |
Flags for loading an ImageList.
Enumerator | |
DefaultColor | Uses the color format of the display. |
Monochrome | Loads the image in black and white. |
LoadFromFile | Loads the image from the file specified by the name parameter. |
LoadTransparent | Retrieves the color value of the first pixel in the image and replaces the corresponding entry in the color table with the default window color (the COLOR_WINDOW display color). All pixels in the image that use that color become the default window value color. This value applies only to images that have a corresponding color table. |
DefaultSize | Uses the width or height specified by the system metric values for cursors and icons if the cx parameter is set to zero. If this value is not specified and cx is set to zero, the function sets the size to the one specified in the resource. If the resource contains multiple images, the function sets the size to that of the first image. |
LoadMap3DColors | Searches the color table for the image and replaces the following shades of gray with the corresponding three-dimensional color:
CreateDibSection | Causes the function to return a DIB section bitmap rather than a compatible bitmap when the uType parameter specifies IMAGE_BITMAP. LR_CREATEDIBSECTION is useful for loading a bitmap without mapping it to the colors of the display device. |
Shared | Shares the image handle if the image is loaded multiple times. Do not use this value for images that have nontraditional sizes that might change after loading or for images that are loaded from a file. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | AccessTimeoutFlags | , |
DWord | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | AnchorStyles | , |
int | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | BorderFlags | , |
UINT | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | BorderStyle | , |
UINT | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | BoundsAccumulationFlags | , |
Int32 | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DrawCaptionOptions | , |
int | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DrawFrameControlButtonOptions | , |
Int32 | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DrawFrameControlOptions | , |
UINT | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DrawStateFlags | , |
Int32 | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DrawTextFlags | , |
UINT | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | ExtendedWindowStyle | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | FilterKeysFlags | , |
DWord | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | HighContrastFlags | , |
DWord | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | Keys | , |
int | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | KnownFolderFlags | , |
uint | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MouseButton | , |
int | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MouseKeysFlags | , |
DWord | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | PolyDrawCommand | , |
BYTE | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | PopupMenuAlignment | , |
int | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | TextAlignment | , |
UINT | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | TextEditStyles | , |
UInt32 | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | TreeViewStyles | , |
unsigned short | ) |
Harlinn::Windows::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | WindowStyle | , |
DWORD | ) |
std::unique_ptr< T > Harlinn::Windows::make_control | ( | const Control * | parentControl, |
const A1 & | argument1, | ||
const A2 & | argument2 ) |
std::unique_ptr< T > Harlinn::Windows::make_control | ( | Control * | parentControl | ) |