Harlinn.Windows 0.1
No Matches
Harlinn::Windows::WindowDeviceContextHandle Class Reference

#include <HWHandles.h>

Inheritance diagram for Harlinn::Windows::WindowDeviceContextHandle:
Collaboration diagram for Harlinn::Windows::WindowDeviceContextHandle:

Public Types

typedef DeviceContextHandle Base
- Public Types inherited from Harlinn::Windows::DeviceContextHandle
using Base = Handle<DeviceContextHandle, HDC>
- Public Types inherited from Harlinn::Common::Core::Handle< DeviceContextHandle, HDC >
using DerivedType
using HandleType

Static Public Member Functions

static void CloseHandle (HRGN handle) noexcept
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Windows::DeviceContextHandle
static void Flush ()
static DWORD BatchLimit ()
static DWORD SetBatchLimit (DWORD newBatchLimit)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Common::Core::Handle< DeviceContextHandle, HDC >
static constexpr HandleType InvalidHandleValue () noexcept

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Windows::DeviceContextHandle
void Close () noexcept
PenHandle Pen () const
PenHandle SetPen (const PenHandle &newPen) const
BrushHandle Brush () const
BrushHandle SetBrush (const BrushHandle &newBrush) const
BitmapHandle Bitmap () const
BitmapHandle SetBitmap (const BitmapHandle &newBitmap) const
FontHandle Font () const
FontHandle SetFont (const FontHandle &newFont) const
HW_EXPORT void DrawCaption (const Control &control, const RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawCaptionOptions options) const
void DrawEdge (RECT &boundingRectangle, BorderStyle borderStyle, BorderFlags borderFlags) const
void DrawFocusRect (RECT &boundingRectangle) const
void DrawFrameControl (DrawFrameControlType frameControlType, RECT &boundingRectangle, UINT state) const
void DrawCaptionFrameControl (DrawFrameControlCaptionPart part, RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawFrameControlOptions options) const
void DrawMenuBarFrameControl (DrawFrameControlMenuBarPart part, RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawFrameControlOptions options) const
void DrawScrollBarFrameControl (DrawFrameControlScrollBarPart part, RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawFrameControlOptions options) const
void DrawButtonFrameControl (DrawFrameControlButtonOptions buttonOptions, RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawFrameControlOptions options) const
void DrawPopupMenuFrameControl (DrawFrameControlPopupMenuPart part, RECT &boundingRectangle, DrawFrameControlOptions options) const
void DrawState (HBRUSH hbrFore, DRAWSTATEPROC qfnCallBack, LPARAM lData, WPARAM wData, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags) const
void DrawState (const wchar_t *text, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const wchar_t *text, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const WideString &text, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const WideString &text, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const BrushHandle &brush, const wchar_t *text, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const BrushHandle &brush, const WideString &text, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const BrushHandle &brush, const wchar_t *text, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags flags) const
void DrawState (const BrushHandle &brush, const WideString &text, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags flags) const
void DrawState (const BitmapHandle &bitmap, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const BitmapHandle &bitmap, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags flags) const
void DrawState (const IconHandle &icon, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, DrawStateFlags drawStateFlags) const
void DrawState (const IconHandle &icon, int x, int y, DrawStateFlags flags) const
HW_EXPORT RegionType ExcludeUpdateRgn (const Control &control) const
ColorRef BackgroundColor () const
ColorRef SetBackgroundColor (COLORREF color) const
Windows::BackgroundMixMode BackgroundMixMode () const
Windows::BackgroundMixMode SetBackgroundMixMode (Windows::BackgroundMixMode mixMode) const
BoundsAccumulationFlags BoundsRect (RECT &boundingRectangle) const
BoundsAccumulationFlags BoundsRect (RECT &boundingRectangle, bool clear) const
BoundsAccumulationFlags SetBoundsRect (const RECT &boundingRectangle, BoundsAccumulationFlags boundsAccumulationFlags) const
Windows::ForegroundMixMode ForegroundMixMode () const
Windows::ForegroundMixMode SetForegroundMixMode (Windows::ForegroundMixMode mixMode) const
void DrawGrayString (const WideString &text, int X, int Y, int nWidth=0, int nHeight=0) const
void DrawGrayString (const BrushHandle &brush, const WideString &text, int X, int Y, int nWidth=0, int nHeight=0) const
void DrawDesktopWallPaper () const
void DrawChord (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, int nXRadial1, int nYRadial1, int nXRadial2, int nYRadial2) const
void DrawChord (const RECT &rectangle, const POINT &start, const POINT &end) const
void DrawEllipse (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect) const
void DrawEllipse (const RECT &rectangle) const
void DrawFilledRectangle (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, const BrushHandle &brush) const
void DrawFilledRectangle (const RECT &rectangle, const BrushHandle &brush) const
void DrawFrameRectangle (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, const BrushHandle &brush) const
void DrawFrameRectangle (const RECT &rectangle, const BrushHandle &brush) const
void DrawInvertedRectangle (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect) const
void DrawInvertedRectangle (const RECT &rectangle) const
void DrawPie (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, int nXRadial1, int nYRadial1, int nXRadial2, int nYRadial2) const
void DrawPie (const RECT &rectangle, const POINT &start, const POINT &end) const
void DrawPolygon (const POINT *lpPoints, int nCount) const
void DrawPolygon (const std::vector< POINT > &points) const
void DrawPolyPolygons (const std::vector< std::vector< POINT > > &polyPolygons) const
void DrawPolyPolygon (const POINT *lpPoints, const INT *lpPolyCounts, int nCount) const
void DrawRectangle (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect) const
void DrawRectangle (const RECT &rectangle) const
void DrawRoundedRectangle (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, int nWidth, int nHeight) const
void DrawRoundedRectangle (const RECT &rectangle, int nWidth, int nHeight) const
void DrawRoundedRectangle (const RECT &rectangle, const SIZE &ellipseSize) const
void DrawAngleArc (int X, int Y, DWORD dwRadius, FLOAT eStartAngle, FLOAT eSweepAngle) const
void DrawAngleArc (const POINT &center, DWORD dwRadius, FLOAT eStartAngle, FLOAT eSweepAngle) const
void DrawArc (int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect, int nXStartArc, int nYStartArc, int nXEndArc, int nYEndArc) const
void DrawArc (const RECT &rectangle, const POINT &start, const POINT &end) const
Windows::ArcDirection ArcDirection () const
Windows::ArcDirection SetArcDirection (Windows::ArcDirection newArcDirection) const
void DrawLineTo (int nXEnd, int nYEnd) const
void DrawLineTo (const POINT &endPoint) const
void MoveTo (int newX, int newY) const
void MoveTo (int newX, int newY, int &previousX, int &previousY) const
void MoveTo (const POINT &newPosition) const
void MoveTo (const POINT &newPosition, POINT &previousPosition) const
void DrawPolyBezier (const POINT *lppt, DWORD cPoints) const
void DrawPolyBezier (const std::vector< POINT > &points) const
void DrawPolyBezierTo (const POINT *lppt, DWORD cPoints) const
void DrawPolyBezierTo (const std::vector< POINT > &points) const
void Draw (const POINT *lppt, const PolyDrawCommand *lpbTypes, int cCount) const
void DrawPolyLine (const POINT *lppt, DWORD cPoints) const
void DrawPolyLine (const std::vector< POINT > &points) const
void DrawPolyLineTo (const POINT *lppt, DWORD cPoints) const
void DrawPolyLineTo (const std::vector< POINT > &points) const
ColorRef TextColor () const
ColorRef SetTextColor (COLORREF colorRef) const
Windows::TextAlignment TextAlignment () const
Windows::TextAlignment SetTextAlignment (Windows::TextAlignment textAlignment) const
int DrawText (LPCWSTR text, int textLength, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags drawTextFlags) const
int DrawText (LPCSTR text, int textLength, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags drawTextFlags) const
int DrawText (const WideString &text, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags drawTextFlags) const
int DrawText (const AnsiString &text, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags drawTextFlags) const
int DrawText (const wchar_t *text, int textLength, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags uFormat, DRAWTEXTPARAMS &drawTextParams) const
int DrawText (const char *text, int textLength, RECT &rect, DrawTextFlags uFormat, DRAWTEXTPARAMS &drawTextParams) const
void DrawText (int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCWSTR text, int textLength) const
void DrawText (int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCSTR text, int textLength) const
void DrawText (int nXStart, int nYStart, const WideString &text) const
void DrawText (int nXStart, int nYStart, const AnsiString &text) const
void DrawText (const POINT &startPosition, const WideString &text) const
void DrawText (const POINT &startPosition, const AnsiString &text) const
SIZE DrawText (int X, int Y, LPCWSTR text, int textLength, int nTabPositions, const LPINT lpnTabStopPositions, int nTabOrigin) const
void DrawText (int X, int Y, UINT fuOptions, const RECT *lprc, LPCWSTR lpString, UINT cbCount, const INT *lpDx) const
POINT CurrentPosition () const
void CurrentPosition (POINT &currentPosition) const
Windows::GraphicsMode GraphicsMode () const
Windows::GraphicsMode SetGraphicsMode (Windows::GraphicsMode newGraphicsMode) const
Windows::MapMode MapMode () const
Windows::MapMode SetMapMode (Windows::MapMode newMapMode) const
SIZE ViewportExtent () const
SIZE SetViewportExtent (const SIZE &newViewportExtent) const
SIZE ScaleViewportExtent (int Xnum, int Xdenom, int Ynum, int Ydenom) const
POINT ViewportOrigin () const
POINT SetViewportOrigin (const POINT &newViewportOrigin) const
POINT OffsetViewportOrigin (int xOffset, int yOffset) const
SIZE WindowExtent () const
SIZE SetWindowExtent (const SIZE &newWindowExtent) const
SIZE ScaleWindowExtent (int Xnum, int Xdenom, int Ynum, int Ydenom) const
POINT WindowOrigin () const
POINT SetWindowOrigin (const POINT &newWindowOrigin) const
POINT OffsetWindowOrigin (int xOffset, int yOffset) const
void WorldTransform (XFORM &xform) const
XFORM WorldTransform () const
void SetWorldTransform (XFORM &xform) const
void ModifyWorldTransform (const XFORM &xform, bool rightMultiply=false) const
void ResetWorldTransform () const
void DrawBitmap (const BitmapHandle &bitmap) const
void DrawBitmap (const BitmapHandle &bitmap, const POINT &position) const
void DrawBitmap (const BitmapHandle &bitmap, const POINT &position, const SIZE size) const
void DrawBitmap (const DeviceContextHandle &source) const
void DrawBitmap (const DeviceContextHandle &source, const POINT &position) const
void DrawBitmap (const DeviceContextHandle &source, const POINT &position, const SIZE size) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Common::Core::Handle< DeviceContextHandle, HDC >
 Handle (const Handle &other)=delete
 Handle (Handle &&other) noexcept
virtual ~Handle () noexcept
constexpr bool IsValid () const noexcept
Handleoperator= (Handle &other)=delete
Handleoperator= (Handle &&other) noexcept
constexpr auto operator<=> (const Handle &other) const noexcept
constexpr auto operator<=> (HandleType handle) const noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (const Handle &other) const noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (HandleType handle) const noexcept
constexpr operator HandleType () const noexcept
constexpr HandleType Value () const noexcept
constexpr bool OwnsHandle () const noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Windows::DeviceContextHandle
void SaveDefaultObjects () noexcept
void RestoreDefaultObjects () noexcept
constexpr DeviceContextHandle () noexcept
constexpr DeviceContextHandle (HDC handle, bool ownsHandle=true) noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::Common::Core::Handle< DeviceContextHandle, HDC >
constexpr Handle () noexcept
constexpr Handle (HandleType handle, bool ownsHandle=true) noexcept
void SetValue (HandleType handle, bool ownsHandle=true)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Harlinn::Common::Core::Handle< DeviceContextHandle, HDC >
HandleType value_

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Base

Member Function Documentation

◆ CloseHandle()

static void Harlinn::Windows::WindowDeviceContextHandle::CloseHandle ( HRGN handle)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: