| Statement () |
Result | BindColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, NativeType targetType, SQLPOINTER targetValue, SQLLEN targetValueMaxLength, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrLength) const |
Result | BindBooleanColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, bool *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindBooleanColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBBoolean &dbValue) const |
Result | BindSByteColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SByte *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindSByteColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBSByte &dbValue) const |
Result | BindByteColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Byte *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindByteColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBByte &dbValue) const |
Result | BindInt16Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Int16 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindInt16Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBInt16 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindUInt16Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, UInt16 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindUInt16Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBUInt16 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindInt32Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Int32 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindInt32Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBInt32 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindUInt32Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, UInt32 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindUInt32Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBUInt32 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindInt64Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Int64 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindInt64Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBInt64 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindUInt64Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, UInt64 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindUInt64Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBUInt64 &dbValue) const |
Result | BindSingleColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, float *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindSingleColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBSingle &dbValue) const |
Result | BindDoubleColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, double *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindDoubleColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBDouble &dbValue) const |
Result | BindDateTimeColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DateTime *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindDateTimeColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBDateTime &dbValue) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, TimeSpan *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBTimeSpan &dbValue) const |
Result | BindGuidColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Guid *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindGuidColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBGuid &dbValue) const |
Result | BindCurrencyColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Currency *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindCurrencyColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, DBCurrency &dbValue) const |
Result | BindCharColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLPOINTER targetAddress, SQLLEN targetAddressMaxLength, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindLongColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Int32 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindShortColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, Int16 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindTimeColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::Time *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindTime2Column (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::Time2 *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindIntervalColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::Interval *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindTimeStampColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::TimeStamp *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindTimeStampOffsetColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::TimeStampOffset *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindNumericColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::Numeric *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindMoneyColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::Money *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
Result | BindRowVersionColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, ODBC::RowVersion *targetAddress, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrActualLength) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindBinaryColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, FixedDBBinary< maxSize > *targetAddress) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindStringColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, FixedDBWideString< maxSize > *targetAddress) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindStringColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, FixedDBAnsiString< maxSize > *targetAddress) const |
Result | BindParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection, NativeType valueType, SqlType parameterType, SQLULEN columnSize, SQLSMALLINT decimalDigits, SQLPOINTER parameterValue, SQLLEN parameterValueBufferLength, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
| Binds a buffer to a parameter marker in an SQL statement. BindParameter supports binding to a Unicode C data type, even if the underlying driver does not support Unicode data.
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, bool *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const bool *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, bool *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const bool *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBBoolean ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindBooleanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBBoolean ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SByte *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const SByte *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SByte *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const SByte *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBSByte ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindSByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBSByte ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Byte *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Byte *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Byte *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Byte *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBByte ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindByteParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBByte ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int16 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int16 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int16 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int16 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBInt16 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBInt16 ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt16 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt16 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt16 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt16 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBUInt16 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindUInt16Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBUInt16 ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int32 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int32 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int32 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int32 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBInt32 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBInt32 ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt32 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt32 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt32 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt32 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBUInt32 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindUInt32Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBUInt32 ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int64 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int64 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Int64 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Int64 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBInt64 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBInt64 ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt64 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt64 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt64 *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const UInt64 *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBUInt64 ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindUInt64Parameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBUInt64 ¶meterValue) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, T *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const T *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, T *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const T *parameterValue) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBEnum< T > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | BindEnumParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBEnum< T > ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, char *parameterValue, SQLLEN parameterValueBufferLength, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindLongParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt32 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator=nullptr, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindShortParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, UInt16 *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator=nullptr, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, float *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const float *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, float *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const float *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBSingle ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindSingleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBSingle ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Double *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const double *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, double *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const double *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBDouble ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindDoubleParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBDouble ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Guid *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Guid *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Guid *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Guid *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBGuid ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindGuidParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBGuid ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DateTime *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DateTime *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DateTime *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DateTime *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBDateTime ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindDateTimeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBDateTime ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, TimeSpan *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const TimeSpan *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, TimeSpan *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const TimeSpan *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBTimeSpan ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindTimeSpanParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBTimeSpan ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Currency *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Currency *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Currency *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Currency *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, DBCurrency ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindCurrencyParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBCurrency ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, ODBC::TimeStamp *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, const TimeStamp *parameterValue, SQLLEN *nullIndicator) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, TimeStamp *parameterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, const TimeStamp *parameterValue) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, DBTimeStamp ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::InputOutput) const |
Result | BindTimeStampParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT precisionOfFraction, const DBTimeStamp ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, char *parameterValue, SQLLEN parameterValueBufferLength, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const AnsiString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator=nullptr, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBAnsiString< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBAnsiStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBAnsiString< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBAnsiStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const FixedDBAnsiString< maxSize > ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindNVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, wchar_t *parameterValue, SQLLEN parameterValueBufferLength, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindNVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBWideString< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBWideStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBWideString< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBWideStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const FixedDBWideString< maxSize > ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindNVarCharParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const WideString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator=nullptr, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindVarBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, Byte *parameterValue, SQLLEN parameterValueBufferLength, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
Result | BindVarBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, std::vector< Byte > ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator=nullptr, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindVarBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBBinary< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection=ODBC::ParameterDirection::Input) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, FixedDBBinary< maxSize > ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
template<size_t maxSize> |
Result | BindFixedDBBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const FixedDBBinary< maxSize > ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, Binary ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, Binary ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const Binary ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const Binary ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator=nullptr) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const Binary ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const DBBinary ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindBinaryParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBBinary ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, AnsiString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const AnsiString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, AnsiString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const AnsiString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, AnsiString ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const AnsiString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const DBAnsiString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBAnsiString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, WideString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const WideString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, WideString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const WideString ¶meterValue, SQLLEN *lengthOrIndicator) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, WideString ¶meterValue, ODBC::ParameterDirection parameterDirection) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const WideString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SQLULEN columnSize, const DBWideString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BindStringParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, const DBWideString ¶meterValue) const |
Result | BulkOperations (ODBC::BulkOperation bulkOperation) const |
Result | CloseCursor () |
Result | GetColumnAttribute (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLSMALLINT valueMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *valueActualLength, SQLLEN *numericAttributeValue) const |
Result | GetColumnAttributeAnsi (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLSMALLINT valueMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *valueActualLength, SQLLEN *numericAttributeValue) const |
Int64 | GetInt64ColumnAttribute (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
bool | GetBooleanColumnAttribute (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
WideString | GetWideStringColumnAttribute (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
bool | ColumnIsAutoIncrement (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
WideString | ColumnBaseName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
WideString | ColumnBaseTableName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the name of the base table that contains the column. If the base table name cannot be defined or is not applicable, then this variable contains an empty string.
bool | ColumnIsCaseSensitive (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns true if the column is treated as case-sensitive for collations and comparisons, otherwise false.
WideString | ColumnCatalogName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| The catalog of the table that contains the column. The returned value is implementation-defined if the column is an expression or if the column is part of a view. If the data source does not support catalogs or the catalog name cannot be determined, an empty string is returned.
ODBC::SqlType | ColumnConciseType (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the concise data type.
size_t | ColumnCount () const |
| Returns the number of columns available in the result set. This returns 0 if there are no columns in the result set.
SQLLEN | ColumnDisplaySize (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the maximum number of characters required to display data from the column.
bool | ColumnHasFixedPrecisionAndScale (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns true if the column has a fixed precision and nonzero scale that are data source-specific.
WideString | ColumnLabel (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
SQLLEN | ColumnLength (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
WideString | ColumnLiteralPrefix (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the character or characters that the driver recognizes as a prefix for a literal of this data type. This field contains an empty string for a data type for which a literal prefix is not applicable.
WideString | ColumnLiteralSuffix (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the character or characters that the driver recognizes as a suffix for a literal of this data type. This field contains an empty string for a data type for which a literal suffix is not applicable.
WideString | ColumnLocalTypeName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the localized (native language) name for the data type that may be different from the regular name of the data type. If there is no localized name, then an empty string is returned. This field is for display purposes only. The character set of the string is locale-dependent and is typically the default character set of the server.
WideString | ColumnName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| The column alias, if it applies. If the column alias does not apply, the column name is returned.
std::optional< bool > | ColumnIsNullable (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns a std::optional<bool> object indicating whether the column accepts NULL values or not. If has_value() returns false, it is not known whether the column accepts NULL values or not. When has_value() returns true, value() returns true if the column accepts NULL values, otherwise value() returns false, indicating that the column does not accept null values.
Int64 | ColumnNumericPrecisionRadix (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| If the column is an approximate numeric this function returns the value 2, if the column is an exact numeric data type, this field contains a value of 10, for all other types this function returns 0.
Int64 | ColumnBinaryLength (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the length, in bytes, of a character string or binary data type. For fixed-length character or binary types, this is the actual length in bytes. For variable-length character or binary types, this is the maximum length in bytes. This value does not include the null terminator.
Int64 | ColumnPrecision (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns a numeric value that for a numeric data type denotes the applicable precision. For data types SqlType::Time, SqlType::TimeStamp, and all the interval data types that represent a time interval, its value is the applicable precision of the fractional seconds component.
Int64 | ColumnScale (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns a numeric value that is the applicable scale for a numeric data type. For SqlType::Decimal and SqlType::Numeric data types, this is the defined scale. It is undefined for all other data types.
WideString | ColumnSchemaName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the schema of the table that contains the column. The returned value is implementation-defined if the column is an expression or if the column is part of a view. If the data source does not support schemas or the schema name cannot be determined, an empty string is returned.
SearchPredicates | ColumnSearchPredicates (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
WideString | ColumnTableName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the name of the table that contains the column. The returned value is implementation-defined if the column is an expression or if the column is part of a view.
ODBC::SqlType | ColumnType (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns a numeric value that specifies the SQL data type.
WideString | ColumnTypeName (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns the data source-dependent data type name.
bool | ColumnIsUnnamed (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns true if the column is unnamed, otherwise false.
bool | ColumnIsUnsigned (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns true if the column is unsigned, or not numeric, otherwise false.
std::optional< bool > | ColumnIsUpdatable (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Returns a std::optional<bool> object indicating whether the column can be updated or not.
Result | ColumnPrivileges (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength) const |
| Returns a list of columns and associated privileges for the specified table. The driver returns the information as a result set on the Statement.
Result | ColumnPrivileges (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength) const |
Result | Columns (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameMaxLength, const SQLWCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength) const |
Result | Columns (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameMaxLength, const SQLCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength) const |
Result | DescribeColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLWCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *columnNameActualLength, SQLSMALLINT *dataType, SQLULEN *columnSize, SQLSMALLINT *decimalDigits, ODBC::Nullable *nullable) const |
Result | DescribeColumn (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber, SQLCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *columnNameActualLength, SQLSMALLINT *dataType, SQLULEN *columnSize, SQLSMALLINT *decimalDigits, ODBC::Nullable *nullable) const |
Result | DescribeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber, SqlType *dataType, SQLULEN *parameterSize, SQLSMALLINT *decimalDigits, ODBC::Nullable *nullable) const |
ParameterDescription | DescribeParameter (SQLUSMALLINT parameterNumber) const |
Result | ExecDirect (const SQLWCHAR *statementText, SQLINTEGER statementTextLength=SQL_NTS) const |
Result | ExecDirect (const SQLCHAR *statementText, SQLINTEGER statementTextLength=SQL_NTS) const |
Result | Execute () const |
template<typename ReaderType >
requires std::is_base_of_v<DataReader, ReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< ReaderType > | CreateReader () const |
template<typename ReaderType = DataReader>
requires std::is_base_of_v<DataReader, ReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< ReaderType > | ExecuteReader () const |
template<typename ReaderType = DataReader>
requires std::is_base_of_v<DataReader, ReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< ReaderType > | ExecuteReader (const SQLWCHAR *statementText, SQLINTEGER statementTextLength=SQL_NTS) const |
template<typename ReaderType = DataReader>
requires std::is_base_of_v<DataReader, ReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< ReaderType > | ExecuteReader (const SQLCHAR *statementText, SQLINTEGER statementTextLength=SQL_NTS) const |
template<typename ReaderType = DataReader, SimpleStringLike StringT>
requires std::is_base_of_v<DataReader, ReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< ReaderType > | ExecuteReader (const StringT &str) const |
Result | Fetch () const |
Result | FetchScroll (ODBC::FetchOrientation fetchOrientation, SQLLEN fetchOffset) const |
Result | ForeignKeys (const SQLWCHAR *primaryKeyCatalogName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeyCatalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *primaryKeySchemaName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeySchemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *primaryKeyTableName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeyTableNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *foreignKeyCatalogName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeyCatalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *foreignKeySchemaName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeySchemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *foreignKeyTableName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeyTableNameLength) const |
Result | ForeignKeys (const SQLCHAR *primaryKeyCatalogName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeyCatalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *primaryKeySchemaName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeySchemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *primaryKeyTableName, SQLSMALLINT primaryKeyTableNameLength, const SQLCHAR *foreignKeyCatalogName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeyCatalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *foreignKeySchemaName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeySchemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *foreignKeyTableName, SQLSMALLINT foreignKeyTableNameLength) const |
Result | Unbind () const |
| Sets the SQL_DESC_COUNT field of the ARD to 0, releasing all column buffers bound by BindColumn for the statement.
Result | ResetParameters () const |
| Sets the SQL_DESC_COUNT field of the APD to 0, releasing all parameter buffers set by BindParameter for the statement.
Result | CursorName (SQLWCHAR *cursorName, SQLSMALLINT cursorNameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *cursorNameActualLength) const |
Result | CursorName (SQLCHAR *cursorName, SQLSMALLINT cursorNameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *cursorNameActualLength) const |
Result | GetData (SQLUSMALLINT columnOrParameterNumber, NativeType targetValueDataType, SQLPOINTER targetValue, SQLLEN targetValueMaxLength, SQLLEN *nullIndicatorOrTargetValueActualLength) const |
DBBoolean | GetDBBoolean (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBBoolean.
DBByte | GetDBByte (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBByte.
DBSByte | GetDBSByte (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBSByte.
DBInt16 | GetDBInt16 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBInt16.
DBUInt16 | GetDBUInt16 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBUInt16.
DBInt32 | GetDBInt32 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBInt32.
DBUInt32 | GetDBUInt32 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBUInt32.
DBInt64 | GetDBInt64 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBInt64.
DBUInt64 | GetDBUInt64 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBUInt64.
DBNumeric | GetDBNumeric (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a std::optional<Numeric>.
DBDecimal | GetDBDecimal (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBDecimal.
DBSingle | GetDBSingle (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBSingle.
DBDouble | GetDBDouble (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBDouble.
DBCurrency | GetDBCurrency (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBCurrency.
DBDateTime | GetDBDateTime (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBDateTime.
DBTimeStampOffset | GetDBTimeStampOffset (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBTimestampOffset.
DBDate | GetDBDate (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBDate.
DBTime | GetDBTime (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBTime.
DBTimeSpan | GetDBTimeSpan (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBTimeSpan.
DBWideString | GetDBWideString (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBWideString.
DBAnsiString | GetDBAnsiString (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBAnsiString.
DBBinary | GetDBBinary (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBBinary.
DBGuid | GetDBGuid (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DBGuid.
DBRowVersion | GetDBRowVersion (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a std::optional<RowVersion>.
bool | GetBoolean (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a bool.
Byte | GetByte (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Byte.
SByte | GetSByte (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a SByte.
Int16 | GetInt16 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an Int16.
UInt16 | GetUInt16 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an UInt16.
Int32 | GetInt32 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an Int32.
UInt32 | GetUInt32 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an UInt32.
Int64 | GetInt64 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an Int64.
UInt64 | GetUInt64 (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an UInt64.
Numeric | GetNumeric (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Numeric.
Numeric | GetDecimal (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Numeric.
float | GetSingle (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a float.
double | GetDouble (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a double.
Currency | GetCurrency (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Currency.
DateTime | GetDateTime (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime.
TimeStampOffset | GetTimeStampOffset (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a TimestampOffset.
Date | GetDate (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Date.
Time | GetTime (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Time.
TimeSpan | GetTimeSpan (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a TimeSpan.
WideString | GetWideString (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a WideString.
AnsiString | GetAnsiString (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as an AnsiString.
Binary | GetBinary (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a std::vector<Byte>.
Guid | GetGuid (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a Guid.
RowVersion | GetRowVersion (SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber) const |
| Gets the value of the specified column as a RowVersion.
Result | GetAttributeW (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueBufferLength, SQLINTEGER *valueActualLength) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a statement attribute.
UInt64 | GetUInt64Attribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a UInt64 valued statement attribute.
Int64 | GetInt64Attribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a Int64 valued statement attribute.
SQLPOINTER | GetPointerAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a pointer valued statement attribute.
bool | GetBooleanAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a boolean valued statement attribute.
Descriptor | GetDescriptorAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a descriptor valued statement attribute.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
T | GetEnumAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a UInt64 valued statement attribute as an enum value.
Result | GetAttributeA (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueBufferLength, SQLINTEGER *valueActualLength) const |
| Retrieves the current setting of a statement attribute.
Result | SetAttributeW (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueLength) const |
| Sets attributes related to a statement.
Result | SetUInt64Attribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, UInt64 value) const |
| Sets an UInt64 valued attribute.
Result | SetInt64Attribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, Int64 value) const |
| Sets an Int64 valued attribute.
Result | SetBooleanAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, bool value) const |
| Sets an boolean valued attribute.
Result | SetPointerAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLPOINTER value) const |
| Sets an pointer valued attribute.
Result | SetDescriptorAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLHANDLE value) const |
| Sets a descriptor valued attribute.
Result | SetDescriptorAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, const Descriptor &value) const |
| Sets a descriptor valued attribute.
template<typename T >
requires std::is_enum_v<T> |
Result | SetEnumAttribute (SQLINTEGER attributeId, T value) const |
| Sets an UInt64 valued attribute valued attribute to the value from an enumeration.
Result | SetAttributeA (SQLINTEGER attributeId, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueLength) const |
| Sets attributes related to a statement.
Result | SetApplicationParameterDescriptor (const Descriptor &applicationParameterDescriptor) const |
Result | SetApplicationParameterDescriptor (SQLHANDLE applicationParameterDescriptor) const |
Descriptor | ApplicationParameterDescriptor () const |
| Retrieves the application parameter descriptor.
Result | SetApplicationRowDescriptor (const Descriptor &applicationRowDescriptor) const |
Result | SetApplicationRowDescriptor (SQLHANDLE applicationRowDescriptor) const |
Descriptor | ApplicationRowDescriptor () const |
| Retrieves the application row descriptor.
Result | SetAsyncEnabled (bool asyncEnable) const |
| Enables or disables asynchronous statement execution.
bool | AsyncEnabled () const |
| Returns true if asynchronous statement execution is enabled, otherwise false.
Result | SetAsyncEventHandle (HANDLE asyncEventHandle) const |
| Assigns the Windows event handle that will get notified on asynchronous completion.
Result | SetAsyncEventHandle (const EventWaitHandle &asyncEventHandle) const |
| Assigns the Windows event handle that will get notified on asynchronous completion.
HANDLE | AsyncEventHandle () const |
| Retrieves the Windows event handle assigned to the SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_STMT_EVENT attribute, or nullptr if no event handle has previously been assigned to this attribute.
Result | SetConcurrency (ODBC::Concurrency concurrency) const |
| Assigns the cursor concurrency model to be used with the statement.
ODBC::Concurrency | Concurrency () const |
| Retrieves the cursor concurrency model that will be used with this statement.
Result | SetCursorScrollable (bool cursorScrollable) const |
bool | CursorScrollable () const |
Result | SetCursorSensitivity (ODBC::CursorSensitivity cursorSensitivity) const |
ODBC::CursorSensitivity | CursorSensitivity () const |
Result | SetCursorType (ODBC::CursorType cursorType) const |
ODBC::CursorType | CursorType () const |
Result | SetAutoPopulateImplementationParameterDescriptor (bool autoPopulateImplementationParameterDescriptor) const |
bool | AutoPopulateImplementationParameterDescriptor () const |
SQLULEN * | FetchBookmarkPointer () const |
ODBC::Descriptor | ImplementationParameterDescriptor () const |
ODBC::Descriptor | ImplementationRowDescriptor () const |
Result | SetKeysetSize (SQLULEN keysetSize) const |
SQLULEN | KeysetSize () const |
Result | SetMaxColumnLength (SQLULEN maxColumnLength) const |
SQLULEN | MaxColumnLength () const |
Result | SetMaxRows (SQLULEN maxRows) const |
SQLULEN | MaxRows () const |
Result | SetMetadataIdentifiers (bool metadataIdentifiers) const |
bool | MetadataIdentifiers () const |
Result | SetNoScan (bool noScan) const |
bool | NoScan () const |
Result | SetParameterBindOffsetPointer (SQLULEN *paramBindOffsetPointer) const |
SQLULEN * | ParameterBindOffsetPointer () const |
Result | SetParameterBindByColumn () const |
bool | ParameterBindByColumn () const |
Result | SetParameterRowSize (SQLULEN rowSize) const |
bool | ParameterRowSize () const |
Result | SetParameterOperationPointer (SQLULEN *paramOperationPointer) const |
SQLULEN * | ParameterOperationPointer () const |
Result | SetParameterArraySize (UInt64 parameterArraySize) const |
UInt64 | ParameterArraySize () const |
Result | SetParameterStatusArray (SQLUSMALLINT *parameterStatusArray) const |
SQLUSMALLINT * | ParameterStatusArray () const |
Result | SetParametersProcessedPointer (SQLULEN *parametersProcessed) const |
SQLULEN * | ParametersProcessedPointer () const |
Result | SetParameterSetSize (SQLULEN parameterSetSize) const |
SQLULEN | ParameterSetSize () const |
Result | SetQueryTimeout (const TimeSpan &timeout) const |
Result | SetQueryTimeout (const UInt64 timeout) const |
TimeSpan | QueryTimeout () const |
Result | SetRetrieveData (bool retrieveData) const |
bool | RetrieveData () const |
Result | SetRowArraySize (UInt64 rowArraySize) const |
UInt64 | RowArraySize () const |
Result | SetRowBindOffsetPointer (SQLULEN *rowBindOffsetPointer) const |
SQLULEN * | RowBindOffsetPointer () const |
Result | SetRowBindByColumn () const |
bool | RowBindByColumn () const |
Result | SetRowSize (SQLULEN rowSize) const |
SQLULEN | RowSize () const |
SQLULEN | RowNumber () const |
Result | SetRowOperationPointer (SQLULEN *paramOperationPointer) const |
SQLULEN * | RowOperationPointer () const |
Result | SetRowStatusPointer (SQLUSMALLINT *rowStatusPointer) const |
SQLUSMALLINT * | RowStatusPointer () const |
Result | SetRowsFetchedPointer (SQLULEN *rowsFetched) const |
SQLULEN * | RowsFetchedPointer () const |
Result | SetSimulateCursor (ODBC::SimulateCursor simulateCursor) const |
ODBC::SimulateCursor | SimulateCursor () const |
Result | SetUseBookmarks (bool useBookmarks) const |
bool | UseBookmarks () const |
Result | GetTypeInfoW (SQLSMALLINT dataType) const |
Result | GetTypeInfoA (SQLSMALLINT dataType) const |
Result | MoreResults () const |
void | ConsumeResults () const |
Result | NumParams (SQLSMALLINT *result) const |
SQLSMALLINT | NumParams () const |
Result | NumResultCols (SQLSMALLINT *result) const |
Result | ParamData (SQLPOINTER *valuePointer) const |
Result | Prepare (const SQLWCHAR *statement, SQLINTEGER statementLength=SQL_NTS) const |
Result | Prepare (const SQLCHAR *statement, SQLINTEGER statementLength=SQL_NTS) const |
Result | PrimaryKeys (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength) const |
Result | PrimaryKeys (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength) const |
Result | ProcedureColumns (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *procedureName, SQLSMALLINT procedureNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameLength) const |
Result | ProcedureColumns (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *procedureName, SQLSMALLINT procedureNameLength, const SQLCHAR *columnName, SQLSMALLINT columnNameLength) const |
Result | Procedures (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *procedureName, SQLSMALLINT procedureNameLength) const |
Result | Procedures (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *procedureName, SQLSMALLINT procedureNameLength) const |
Result | PutData (SQLPOINTER data, SQLLEN nullIndicatorOrDataLength) const |
Result | RowCount (SQLLEN *result) const |
SQLLEN | RowCount () const |
Result | SetCursorName (const SQLWCHAR *cursorName, SQLSMALLINT cursorNameLength) const |
Result | SetCursorName (const SQLCHAR *cursorName, SQLSMALLINT cursorNameLength) const |
Result | SetPosition (SQLSETPOSIROW rowNumber, SQLUSMALLINT operation, SQLUSMALLINT lockType) const |
Result | SpecialColumns (SQLSMALLINT identifierType, const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, SQLSMALLINT scope, SQLSMALLINT nullable) const |
Result | SpecialColumns (SQLSMALLINT identifierType, const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, SQLSMALLINT scope, SQLSMALLINT nullable) const |
Result | Statistics (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, SQLSMALLINT unique, SQLSMALLINT options) const |
Result | Statistics (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, SQLSMALLINT unique, SQLSMALLINT options) const |
Result | TablePrivileges (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength) const |
Result | TablePrivileges (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength) const |
Result | Tables (const SQLWCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, const SQLWCHAR *tableTypes, SQLSMALLINT tableTypesLength) const |
Result | Tables (const SQLCHAR *catalogName, SQLSMALLINT catalogNameLength, const SQLCHAR *schemaName, SQLSMALLINT schemaNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableName, SQLSMALLINT tableNameLength, const SQLCHAR *tableTypes, SQLSMALLINT tableTypesLength) const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::ODBC::SqlHandle< ODBC::HandleType::Statement > |
constexpr | SqlHandle () noexcept |
| SqlHandle (const SqlHandle &other)=delete |
constexpr | SqlHandle (SqlHandle &&other) noexcept |
| ~SqlHandle () |
SqlHandle & | operator= (const SqlHandle &other)=delete |
constexpr SqlHandle & | operator= (SqlHandle &&other) noexcept |
constexpr SQLHANDLE | Handle () const noexcept |
void | Close () noexcept |
Result | Cancel () const |
Result | CompleteAsync (RETCODE *asyncRetCode) const |