Harlinn.Windows 0.1
Renders drawing instructions to a window. More...
#include <HWGraphics.h>
Public Types | |
typedef RenderTarget | Base |
![]() | |
typedef Resource | Base |
![]() | |
typedef IUnknown | InterfaceType |
Public Member Functions | |
D2D1_WINDOW_STATE | CheckWindowState () const |
Indicates whether the HWND associated with this render target is occluded. | |
void | Resize (const D2D1_SIZE_U *pixelSize) const |
Changes the size of the render target to the specified pixel size. | |
void | Resize (const D2D1_SIZE_U &pixelSize) |
HWND | GetHwnd () const |
Returns the HWND associated with this render target. | |
![]() | |
void | CreateBitmap (D2D1_SIZE_U size, _In_opt_ CONST void *srcData, UINT32 pitch, _In_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap) const |
Creates a Direct2D bitmap from a pointer to in-memory source data. | |
Bitmap | CreateBitmap (D2D1_SIZE_U size, const void *srcData, UINT32 pitch, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties) const |
Bitmap | CreateBitmap (D2D1_SIZE_U size, const void *srcData, UINT32 pitch, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties) const |
Bitmap | CreateBitmap (D2D1_SIZE_U size, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties) const |
Bitmap | CreateBitmap (D2D1_SIZE_U size, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties) const |
void | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (_In_ IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap) const |
Creates an ID2D1Bitmap by copying the specified Microsoft Windows Imaging Component (WIC) bitmap. | |
HW_EXPORT void | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (const Imaging::BitmapSource &wicBitmapSource, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap) const |
HW_EXPORT void | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (const Imaging::BitmapSource &wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap) const |
Bitmap | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties=nullptr) const |
HW_EXPORT Bitmap | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (const Imaging::BitmapSource &wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties=nullptr) const |
Bitmap | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties) const |
HW_EXPORT Bitmap | CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap (const Imaging::BitmapSource &wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties) const |
void | CreateSharedBitmap (REFIID riid, _Inout_ void *data, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap) const |
Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource. | |
Bitmap | CreateSharedBitmap (REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties=nullptr) const |
Bitmap | CreateSharedBitmap (REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES &bitmapProperties) const |
void | CreateBitmapBrush (_In_ ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush) const |
Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap. | |
void | CreateBitmapBrush (const Bitmap &bitmap, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (_In_ ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties=nullptr, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties=nullptr) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (const Bitmap &bitmap, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties=nullptr, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties=nullptr) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (_In_ ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &bitmapBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (const Bitmap &bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &bitmapBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (_In_ ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &bitmapBrushProperties) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (const Bitmap &bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &bitmapBrushProperties) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (_In_ ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
BitmapBrush | CreateBitmapBrush (const Bitmap &bitmap, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
void | CreateSolidColorBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_COLOR_F *color, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush) const |
Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that can be used to paint areas with a solid color. | |
void | CreateSolidColorBrush (const D2D1_COLOR_F &color, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush) const |
void | CreateSolidColorBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_COLOR_F *color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush) const |
void | CreateSolidColorBrush (const D2D1_COLOR_F &color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush) const |
SolidColorBrush | CreateSolidColorBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_COLOR_F *color, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties=nullptr) const |
SolidColorBrush | CreateSolidColorBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_COLOR_F *color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
SolidColorBrush | CreateSolidColorBrush (const D2D1_COLOR_F &color, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties=nullptr) const |
SolidColorBrush | CreateSolidColorBrush (const D2D1_COLOR_F &color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties) const |
void | CreateGradientStopCollection (_In_reads_(gradientStopsCount) CONST D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, _In_range_(>=, 1) UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection) const |
Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures. | |
GradientStopCollection | CreateGradientStopCollection (_In_reads_(gradientStopsCount) CONST D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, _In_range_(>=, 1) UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma=D2D1_GAMMA_2_2, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode=D2D1_EXTEND_MODE_CLAMP) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient. | |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush **linearGradientBrush) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &linearGradientBrushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_POINT_2F &startPoint, const D2D1_POINT_2F &endPoint, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
LinearGradientBrush | CreateLinearGradientBrush (const D2D1_POINT_2F &startPoint, const D2D1_POINT_2F &endPoint, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient. | |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
void | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush **radialGradientBrush) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &radialGradientBrushProperties, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES &brushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (_In_ CONST D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_POINT_2F ¢er, const D2D1_POINT_2F &gradientOriginOffset, FLOAT radiusX, FLOAT radiusY, _In_ ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection) const |
RadialGradientBrush | CreateRadialGradientBrush (const D2D1_POINT_2F ¢er, const D2D1_POINT_2F &gradientOriginOffset, FLOAT radiusX, FLOAT radiusY, const GradientStopCollection &gradientStopCollection) const |
void | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (_In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, _COM_Outptr_ ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget) const |
Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate off-screen drawing that is compatible with the current render target. | |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (_In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize=nullptr, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize=nullptr, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat=nullptr, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (_In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT &desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (_In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U &desiredPixelSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (_In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U &desiredPixelSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT &desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, _In_opt_ CONST D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT &desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U &desiredPixelSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT &desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options=D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS::D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U &desiredPixelSize) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize, const D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT &desiredFormat) const |
BitmapRenderTarget | CreateCompatibleRenderTarget (const D2D1_SIZE_F &desiredSize) const |
void | CreateLayer (const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer) const |
Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets. | |
Layer | CreateLayer (const D2D1_SIZE_F *size=nullptr) const |
Layer | CreateLayer (const D2D1_SIZE_F &size) const |
void | CreateMesh (ID2D1Mesh **mesh) const |
Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape. | |
Mesh | CreateMesh () const |
void | DrawLine (const D2D1_POINT_2F &point0, const D2D1_POINT_2F &point1, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
Draws a line between the specified points using the specified stroke style. | |
void | DrawLine (const D2D1_POINT_2F &point0, const D2D1_POINT_2F &point1, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawLine (const D2D1_POINT_2F &point0, const D2D1_POINT_2F &point1, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawLine (const D2D1_POINT_2F &point0, const D2D1_POINT_2F &point1, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
Draws the outline of a rectangle that has the specified dimensions and stroke style. | |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | FillRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
Paints the interior of the specified rectangle. | |
void | FillRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
void | FillRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F *rect, const Brush &brush) const |
void | FillRectangle (const D2D1_RECT_F &rect, const Brush &brush) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
Draws the outline of the specified rounded rectangle using the specified stroke style. | |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | FillRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
Paints the interior of the specified rounded rectangle. | |
void | FillRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
void | FillRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT *roundedRect, const Brush &brush) const |
void | FillRoundedRectangle (const D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT &roundedRect, const Brush &brush) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
Draws the outline of the specified ellipse using the specified stroke style. | |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | FillEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
Paints the interior of the specified ellipse. | |
void | FillEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
void | FillEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE *ellipse, const Brush &brush) const |
void | FillEllipse (const D2D1_ELLIPSE &ellipse, const Brush &brush) const |
void | DrawGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
Draws the outline of the specified geometry using the specified stroke style. | |
void | DrawGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | DrawGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth, const StrokeStyle &strokeStyle) const |
void | DrawGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, const Brush &brush, FLOAT strokeWidth=1.0f) const |
void | FillGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, ID2D1Brush *opacityBrush=nullptr) const |
Paints the interior of the specified geometry. | |
void | FillGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, ID2D1Brush *brush, const Brush &opacityBrush) const |
void | FillGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, const Brush &brush, const Brush &opacityBrush) const |
void | FillGeometry (ID2D1Geometry *geometry, const Brush &brush, ID2D1Brush *opacityBrush=nullptr) const |
void | FillGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, const Brush &brush, ID2D1Brush *opacityBrush=nullptr) const |
void | FillGeometry (const Geometry &geometry, const Brush &brush, const Brush &opacityBrush) const |
void | FillMesh (ID2D1Mesh *mesh, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
Paints the interior of the specified mesh. | |
void | FillMesh (ID2D1Mesh *mesh, const Brush &brush) const |
void | FillMesh (const Mesh &mesh, ID2D1Brush *brush) const |
void | FillMesh (const Mesh &mesh, const Brush &brush) const |
void | FillOpacityMask (ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content=D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT_GRAPHICS, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle=nullptr, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle=nullptr) const |
Applies the opacity mask described by the specified bitmap to a brush and uses that brush to paint a region of the render target. | |
void | FillOpacityMask (const Bitmap &opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content=D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT_GRAPHICS, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle=nullptr, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle=nullptr) const |
void | FillOpacityMask (const Bitmap &opacityMask, const Brush &brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content=D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT_GRAPHICS, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle=nullptr, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawBitmap (ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity=1.0f, D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode=D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle=nullptr) const |
Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle. | |
void | DrawBitmap (const Bitmap &bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity=1.0f, D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode=D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle=nullptr) const |
void | DrawText (const WCHAR *string, UINT32 stringLength, IDWriteTextFormat *textFormat, const D2D1_RECT_F *layoutRect, ID2D1Brush *defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object. | |
void | DrawText (const WCHAR *string, UINT32 stringLength, const DirectWrite::TextFormat &textFormat, const D2D1_RECT_F *layoutRect, const Brush &defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
void | DrawText (const WideString &text, IDWriteTextFormat *textFormat, const D2D1_RECT_F *layoutRect, ID2D1Brush *defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
void | DrawText (const WideString &text, const DirectWrite::TextFormat &textFormat, const D2D1_RECT_F *layoutRect, const Brush &defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
void | DrawTextLayout (const D2D1_POINT_2F &origin, IDWriteTextLayout *textLayout, ID2D1Brush *defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
Draws the formatted text described by the specified IDWriteTextLayout object. | |
void | DrawTextLayout (const D2D1_POINT_2F &origin, const DirectWrite::TextLayout &textLayout, const Brush &defaultForegroundBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options=D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE) const |
void | DrawGlyphRun (const D2D1_POINT_2F &baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
Draws the specified glyphs. | |
void | DrawGlyphRun (const D2D1_POINT_2F &baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const Brush &foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode=DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL) const |
void | SetTransform (const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transform) const |
Applies the specified transform to the render target, replacing the existing transformation. All subsequent drawing operations occur in the transformed space. | |
void | SetTransform (const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &transform) const |
void | GetTransform (D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transform) const |
Gets the current transform of the render target. | |
void | GetTransform (D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &transform) const |
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F | GetTransform () const |
void | SetAntialiasMode (D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode) const |
Sets the anti-aliasing mode of the render target. The anti-aliasing mode applies to all subsequent drawing operations, excluding text and glyph drawing operations. | |
D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE | GetAntialiasMode () const |
Retrieves the current anti-aliasing mode for non-text drawing operations. | |
void | SetTextAntialiasMode (D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode) const |
Specifies the anti-aliasing mode to use for subsequent text and glyph drawing operations. | |
D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE | GetTextAntialiasMode () const |
Gets the current anti-aliasing mode for text and glyph drawing operations. | |
void | SetTextRenderingParams (IDWriteRenderingParams *textRenderingParams=nullptr) const |
Specifies text rendering options to be applied to all subsequent text and glyph drawing operations. | |
void | SetTextRenderingParams (const DirectWrite::RenderingParams &textRenderingParams) const |
void | GetTextRenderingParams (IDWriteRenderingParams **textRenderingParams) const |
Retrieves the render target's current text rendering options. | |
DirectWrite::RenderingParams | GetTextRenderingParams () const |
void | SetTags (D2D1_TAG tag1, D2D1_TAG tag2) const |
Specifies a label for subsequent drawing operations. | |
void | GetTags (D2D1_TAG *tag1, D2D1_TAG *tag2) const |
Gets the label for subsequent drawing operations. | |
D2D1_TAG | GetTag1 () const |
D2D1_TAG | GetTag2 () const |
std::pair< D2D1_TAG, D2D1_TAG > | GetTags () const |
void | PushLayer (const D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS *layerParameters, ID2D1Layer *layer=nullptr) const |
Adds the specified layer to the render target so that it receives all subsequent drawing operations until PopLayer is called. | |
void | PushLayer (const D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS &layerParameters, ID2D1Layer *layer=nullptr) const |
void | PopLayer () const |
Stops redirecting drawing operations to the layer that is specified by the last PushLayer call. | |
void | Flush (D2D1_TAG *tag1=nullptr, D2D1_TAG *tag2=nullptr) const |
Executes all pending drawing commands. | |
void | SaveDrawingState (ID2D1DrawingStateBlock *drawingStateBlock) const |
Saves the current drawing state to the specified ID2D1DrawingStateBlock. | |
void | SaveDrawingState (const DrawingStateBlock &drawingStateBlock) const |
void | RestoreDrawingState (ID2D1DrawingStateBlock *drawingStateBlock) const |
Sets the render target's drawing state to that of the specified ID2D1DrawingStateBlock. | |
void | RestoreDrawingState (const DrawingStateBlock &drawingStateBlock) const |
void | PushAxisAlignedClip (const D2D1_RECT_F *clipRect, D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode=D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_PER_PRIMITIVE) const |
Specifies a rectangle to which all subsequent drawing operations are clipped. | |
void | PushAxisAlignedClip (const D2D1_RECT_F &clipRect, D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode=D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_PER_PRIMITIVE) const |
void | PopAxisAlignedClip () const |
Removes the last axis-aligned clip from the render target. After this method is called, the clip is no longer applied to subsequent drawing operations. | |
void | Clear (const D2D1_COLOR_F *clearColor=nullptr) const |
Clears the drawing area to the specified color. | |
void | Clear (const D2D1_COLOR_F &clearColor) const |
void | BeginDraw () const |
Initiates drawing on this render target. | |
void | EndDraw (D2D1_TAG *tag1=nullptr, D2D1_TAG *tag2=nullptr) const |
Ends drawing operations on the render target and indicates the current error state and associated tags. | |
D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT | GetPixelFormat () const |
Retrieves the pixel format and alpha mode of the render target. | |
void | SetDpi (FLOAT dpiX, FLOAT dpiY) const |
Sets the dots per inch (DPI) of the render target. | |
void | SetDpi (const D2D1_SIZE_F &dpi) const |
void | GetDpi (FLOAT *dpiX, FLOAT *dpiY) const |
Return the render target's dots per inch (DPI). | |
void | GetDpi (FLOAT &dpiX, FLOAT &dpiY) const |
D2D1_SIZE_F | GetDpi () const |
D2D1_SIZE_F | GetSize () const |
Returns the size of the render target in device-independent pixels. | |
D2D1_SIZE_U | GetPixelSize () const |
Returns the size of the render target in device pixels. | |
UINT32 | GetMaximumBitmapSize () const |
Gets the maximum size, in device-dependent units (pixels), of any one bitmap dimension supported by the render target. | |
bool | IsSupported (const D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES *renderTargetProperties) const |
Indicates whether the render target supports the specified properties. | |
![]() | |
template<typename T = Factory> requires std::is_base_of_v< Factory, T> | |
T | GetFactory () |
![]() | |
constexpr | Unknown () noexcept |
Unknown (IUnknown *unknown, bool addref=false) noexcept | |
Unknown (REFIID iid, const Unknown &unknown, bool throwIfNoInterface=true) | |
Unknown (const Unknown &other) noexcept | |
Unknown (Unknown &&other) noexcept | |
~Unknown () noexcept | |
constexpr | operator bool () const noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (const Unknown &other) noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (Unknown &&other) noexcept |
void | swap (Unknown &other) noexcept |
void | ResetPtr (IUnknown *other=nullptr, bool addRef=false) noexcept |
Unknown & | operator= (nullptr_t) |
IUnknown * | Detach () |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T > | |
T | As () const |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
bool | Is () const noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> | |
ComPtr< T > | As () const |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> | |
bool | Is () const noexcept |
This function can be used to detect if an object supports a particular COM interface derived from IUnknown. | |
template<typename T = IUnknown> | |
T * | GetInterfacePointer () const noexcept |
bool | QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **itf) const |
Queries a COM object for a pointer to one of its interface; identifying the interface by a reference to its interface identifier (IID). If the COM object implements the interface, then it returns a pointer to that interface after calling IUnknown::AddRef on it. | |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<IUnknown, T> | |
bool | QueryInterface (T **itf) const |
constexpr bool | operator== (const Unknown &other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const Unknown &other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator== (const IUnknown *other) const noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const IUnknown *other) const noexcept |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromClassId (const CLSID &clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromClassId (const wchar_t *clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromClassId (const WideString &clsid, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromProgId (const wchar_t *progId, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromProgId (const WideString &progId, DWORD classContext=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_base_of_v<Unknown, T> | |
static T | CoCreateInstanceFromDll (const ModuleHandle &dll, const CLSID &clsid) |
![]() | |
IUnknown * | unknown_ |
Renders drawing instructions to a window.
inline |
Indicates whether the HWND associated with this render target is occluded.
If the window was occluded the last time that EndDraw was called, the next time that the render target calls CheckWindowState, it will return D2D1_WINDOW_STATE_OCCLUDED regardless of the current window state. If you want to use CheckWindowState to determine the current window state, you should call CheckWindowState after every EndDraw call and ignore its return value. This call will ensure that your next call to CheckWindowState state will return the actual window state.
inline |
Returns the HWND associated with this render target.
inline |
inline |
Changes the size of the render target to the specified pixel size.
pixelSize | The new size of the render target in device pixels. |
After this method is called, the contents of the render target's back-buffer are not defined, even if the D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS_RETAIN_CONTENTS option was specified when the render target was created.
This operation might fail if there is insufficient video memory or system memory, or if the render target is resized beyond the maximum bitmap size. If the method fails, the render target will be placed in a zombie state and D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET will be returned from it when EndDraw is called. In addition an appropriate failure result will be returned from Resize.