Harlinn.Windows 0.1
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Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::D3D11 Namespace Reference


class  Asynchronous
 This object encapsulates methods for retrieving data from the GPU asynchronously. More...
class  AuthenticatedChannel
 Provides a communication channel with the graphics driver or the Microsoft Direct3D runtime. More...
class  BlendState
 The blend-state object holds a description for blending state that you can bind to the output-merger stage. More...
class  BlendState1
 The blend-state object holds a description for blending state that you can bind to the output-merger stage. This blend-state object supports logical operations as well as blending operations. More...
class  Buffer
 A buffer object accesses a buffer resource, which is unstructured memory. Buffers typically store vertex or index data. More...
class  ClassInstance
 This object encapsulates an HLSL class. More...
class  ClassLinkage
 This object encapsulates an HLSL dynamic linkage. More...
class  CommandList
 This object encapsulates a list of graphics commands for play back. More...
class  ComputeShader
 A compute-shader object manages an executable program (a compute shader) that controls the compute-shader stage. More...
class  Counter
 This object encapsulates methods for measuring GPU performance. More...
class  CryptoSession
 Represents a cryptographic session. More...
class  DepthStencilState
 The depth-stencil-state object holds a description for depth-stencil state that you can bind to the output-merger stage. More...
class  DepthStencilView
 A depth-stencil-view object accesses a texture resource during depth-stencil testing. More...
class  Device
 The device object represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  Device1
 The device interface represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  Device2
 The Device2 class represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  Device3
 The device interface represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  Device4
 The device class represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  Device5
 The device class represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. More...
class  DeviceChild
 A device-child object accesses data used by a device. More...
class  DeviceContext
 Represents a device context which generates rendering commands. More...
class  DeviceContext1
 Represents a device context; it is used to render commands. More...
class  DeviceContext2
 The device context interface represents a device context; it is used to render commands. More...
class  DeviceContext3
 The device context class represents a device context; it is used to render commands. More...
class  DeviceContext4
 The device context interface represents a device context; it is used to render commands. More...
class  DeviceContextState
 Represents a context state object, which holds state and behavior information about a Microsoft Direct3D device. More...
class  DomainShader
 A domain-shader object manages an executable program (a domain shader) that controls the domain-shader stage. More...
class  Fence
 Represents a fence, an object used for synchronization of the CPU and one or more GPUs. More...
class  GeometryShader
 A geometry-shader object manages an executable program (a geometry shader) that controls the geometry-shader stage. More...
class  HullShader
 A hull-shader object manages an executable program (a hull shader) that controls the hull-shader stage. More...
class  InputLayout
 An input-layout interface holds a definition of how to feed vertex data that is laid out in memory into the input-assembler stage of the graphics pipeline. More...
class  Multithread
 Provides threading protection for critical sections of a multi-threaded application. More...
class  PixelShader
 A pixel-shader object manages an executable program (a pixel shader) that controls the pixel-shader stage. More...
class  Predicate
 A predicate object determines whether geometry should be processed depending on the results of a previous draw call. More...
class  Query
 A query object queries information from the GPU. More...
class  Query1
 Represents a query object for querying information from the graphics processing unit (GPU). More...
class  RasterizerState
 The rasterizer-state object holds a description for rasterizer state that you can bind to the rasterizer stage. More...
class  RasterizerState1
 The rasterizer-state object holds a description for rasterizer state that you can bind to the rasterizer stage. This rasterizer-state class supports forced sample count. More...
class  RasterizerState2
 The rasterizer-state object holds a description for rasterizer state that you can bind to the rasterizer stage. This rasterizer-state class supports forced sample count and conservative rasterization mode. More...
class  RenderTargetView
 A render-target-view object identifies the render-target sub-resources that can be accessed during rendering. More...
class  RenderTargetView1
 A render-target-view object represents the render-target subresources that can be accessed during rendering. More...
class  Resource
 A resource object provides common actions on all resources. More...
class  SamplerState
 The sampler-state object holds a description for sampler state that you can bind to any shader stage of the pipeline for reference by texture sample operations. More...
class  ShaderResourceView
 A shader-resource-view object specifies the sub-resources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, and a texture. More...
class  ShaderResourceView1
 A shader-resource-view object represents the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, and a texture. More...
class  Texture1D
 A 1D texture object accesses texel data, which is structured memory. More...
class  Texture2D
 A 2D texture object manages texel data, which is structured memory. More...
class  Texture2D1
 Represents texel data, which is structured memory. More...
class  Texture3D
 A 3D texture object accesses texel data, which is structured memory. More...
class  Texture3D1
 A 3D texture object represents texel data, which is structured memory. More...
class  UnorderedAccessView
 A view object specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering. More...
class  UnorderedAccessView1
 An unordered-access-view object represents the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering. More...
class  UserDefinedAnnotation
 Enables an application to describe conceptual sections and markers within the application's code flow. More...
class  VertexShader
 A vertex-shader object manages an executable program (a vertex shader) that controls the vertex-shader stage. More...
class  VideoContext
 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoContext1
 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoContext2
 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoContext3
 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. This class provides the DecoderBeginFrame1 method, which provides support for decode histograms. More...
class  VideoDecoder
 Represents a hardware-accelerated video decoder for Microsoft Direct3D 11. More...
class  VideoDecoderOutputView
 Identifies the output surfaces that can be accessed during video decoding. More...
class  VideoDevice
 Provides the video decoding and video processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoDevice1
 Provides the video decoding and video processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoDevice2
 Provides the video decoding and video processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. Adds the CheckFeatureSupport method for querying for decoding capabilities. More...
class  VideoProcessor
 Represents a video processor for Microsoft Direct3D 11. More...
class  VideoProcessorEnumerator
 Enumerates the video processor capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoProcessorEnumerator1
 Enumerates the video processor capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class  VideoProcessorInputView
 Identifies the input surfaces that can be accessed during video processing. More...
class  VideoProcessorOutputView
 Identifies the output surfaces that can be accessed during video processing. More...
class  View
 A view object specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering. More...