Harlinn.Windows 0.1
No Matches
Harlinn::Windows::Graphics::DirectComposition Namespace Reference


class  AffineTransform2DEffect
 The arithmetic composite effect is used to combine 2 images using a weighted sum of pixels from the input images. More...
class  Animation
 Represents a function for animating one or more properties of one or more Microsoft DirectComposition objects. Any object property that takes a scalar value can be animated. More...
class  ArithmeticCompositeEffect
 The arithmetic composite effect is used to combine 2 images using a weighted sum of pixels from the input images. More...
class  BlendEffect
 The Blend Effect is used to combine 2 images. More...
class  BrightnessEffect
 The brightness effect controls the brightness of the image. More...
class  Clip
 Represents a clip object that is used to restrict the rendering of a visual subtree to a rectangular area. More...
class  ColorMatrixEffect
 The color matrix effect alters the RGBA values of a bitmap. More...
class  CompositeEffect
 The composite effect is used to combine 2 or more images. This effect has 13 different composite modes. The composite effect accepts 2 or more inputs. When you specify 2 images, destination is the first input (index 0) and the source is the second input (index 1). If you specify more than 2 inputs, the images are composited starting with the first input and the second and so on. More...
class  DelegatedInkTrail
class  DesktopDevice
 An application must use the DesktopDevice class in order to use DirectComposition in a Windows desktop application. This interface allows the application to connect a visual tree to a window and to host layered child windows for composition. More...
class  Device
 Serves as a factory for all other Microsoft DirectComposition objects and provides methods to control transactional composition. More...
class  Device2
 Serves as a factory for all other Microsoft DirectComposition objects and provides methods to control transactional composition. More...
class  Device3
 Serves as a factory for all other Microsoft DirectComposition objects and provides methods to control transactional composition. More...
class  DeviceDebug
 Provides access to rendering features that help with application debugging and performance tuning. This interface can be queried from the DirectComposition device interface. More...
class  Effect
 Represents a bitmap effect that modifies the rasterization of a visual's subtree. More...
class  EffectGroup
 Represents a group of bitmap effects that are applied together to modify the rasterization of a visual's subtree. More...
class  FilterEffect
 FilterEffect exposes a subset of Direct2D's image effects through DirectComposition for use in CSS filters in the browser platform. More...
class  GaussianBlurEffect
 The Gaussian blur effect is used to blur an image by a Gaussian function, typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail. More...
class  HueRotationEffect
 The hue rotate effect alters the hue of an image by applying a color matrix based on the rotation angle. More...
class  InkTrailDevice
class  LinearTransferEffect
 The linear transfer effect is used to map the color intensities of an image using a linear function created from a list of values you provide for each channel. More...
class  MatrixTransform
 Represents an arbitrary affine 2D transformation defined by a 3-by-2 matrix. More...
class  MatrixTransform3D
 Represents an arbitrary 3D transformation defined by a 4-by-4 matrix. More...
class  RectangleClip
 Represents a clip object that restricts the rendering of a visual subtree to the specified rectangular region. Optionally, the clip object may have rounded corners specified. More...
class  RotateTransform
 Represents a 2D transformation that affects the rotation of a visual around the z-axis. The coordinate system is rotated around the specified center point. More...
class  RotateTransform3D
 Represents a 3D transformation that affects the rotation of a visual along an arbitrary axis in 3D space. The coordinate system is rotated around the specified center point. More...
class  SaturationEffect
 This effect is used to alter the saturation of an image. The saturation effect is a specialization of the color matrix effect. More...
class  ScaleTransform
 Represents a 2D transformation that affects the scale of a visual along the x-axis and y-axis. The coordinate system is scaled from the specified center point. More...
class  ScaleTransform3D
 Represents a 3D transformation effect that affects the scale of a visual along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. The coordinate system is scaled from the specified center point. More...
class  ShadowEffect
 The shadow effect is used to generate a shadow from the alpha channel of an image. The shadow is more opaque for higher alpha values and more transparent for lower alpha values. You can set the amount of blur and the color of the shadow. More...
class  SkewTransform
 Represents a 2D transformation that affects the skew of a visual along the x-axis and y-axis. The coordinate system is skewed around the specified center point. More...
class  Surface
 Represents a physical bitmap that can be associated with a visual for composition in a visual tree. This interface can also be used to update the bitmap contents. More...
class  SurfaceFactory
 Creates surface and virtual surface objects associated with an application-provided rendering device. More...
class  TableTransferEffect
 The table transfer effect is used to map the color intensities of an image using a transfer function created from interpolating a list of values you provide. More...
class  Target
 Represents a binding between a Microsoft DirectComposition visual tree and a destination on top of which the visual tree should be composed. More...
class  Transform
 Represents a 2D transformation that can be used to modify the coordinate space of a visual subtree. More...
class  Transform3D
 Represents a 3D transformation effect that can be used to modify the rasterization of a visual subtree. More...
class  TranslateTransform
 Represents a 2D transformation that affects only the offset of a visual along the x-axis and y-axis. More...
class  TranslateTransform3D
 Represents a 3D transformation that affects the offset of a visual along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. More...
class  TurbulenceEffect
 The turbulence effect is used to generate a bitmap based on the Perlin noise function. The turbulence effect has no input image. More...
class  VirtualSurface
 Represents a sparsely allocated bitmap that can be associated with a visual for composition in a visual tree. More...
class  Visual
 Represents a Microsoft DirectComposition visual. More...
class  Visual2
 Represents a single DirectComposition visual in a visual tree. More...
class  Visual3
 Represents a single DirectComposition visual in a visual tree. More...
class  VisualDebug
 Introduces debug related functions for a visual. More...